My reef creations

it seems to be ok for certain members to say what they want...but if someone else voices their opinions or says whats on their mind, it is considered improper.
kinda like fishing we cant catch them all but we catch some. No problem with giving opinions or saying whats on your mind. But all can be done without provoking in a negative way.
im with donalds on this one i dont like to get in all the bs but its like people on this forums like trouble more than they love the hobby these childish acts need to stop if you got a problem go pm with it ....people here sound like a bunch of girls(no offence to the ones that are)
Other than Donalds1... everything since post #33 has been out of line.
Take it elsewhere.
If you have a misunderstanding of how you think</em> things work around here, or question anyones intentions... come to the BoD meeting and address it there. Otherwise, I have always</em> made myself available to answer any questions to the limits of my knowledge.
i do appologize if offended anyone with my comment and to you tony im just tired of the bs i really love this club and think there is a lot of knowledge that can be obtained here im just tired of threads turning sour from people bickering about bickering
Don't worry about it Victor, everyone is high stress around here recently... myself included. I was just making a general statement.
Margi, I apologize if you felt included.

Over the past few weeks, Ive seen some real rough edge comments being made against people, many injustly... comments made by some people with good intentions despite poor results. Others just out of ignorance and old grudges.

The chance for everyone to get all their cards on the table is tomorrow night at 7:00PM. I'll have quite a bit to say myself. Come out and address your concerns there. Save yourself some credibility and act like a respectful adult when sitting behind your keyboards.
cooper9177;94141 wrote: Amazing Danny, You are employed by SEA, go figure.

I'm not really drawing the connection there. Anywho, do have any idea how funny it can be to watch someone go over the edge? You know, ears steaming, veins popping, words sputtering, daffy duck mad? Kinda like a friendly ghost tunring red and growing large mean teeth, backed by a growl.
I don't see any reason to keep this thread going.... it's gone far beyond the original intent, and tempers have flared and gone back down.

I hope everyone can remember that this is "just a fish club," no matter what your feelings on the MRC sponsorship status is. If you agree or disagree, does it really matter? I mean really, as in affect your daily life or even your tank? We have Board meetings to handle club-related stuff, and they're setup like that for a reason - to let people voice their opinions. Can't we just talk about fish stuff???

Anyway - I hope that's not construed as 'a moderator giving a final opinion and closing the thread,' but rather as something for everyone (on both "sides") to think about. Feel free to PM me if you think otherwise.