My tank ALWAYS amazes me!!!


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So I noticed this evening that both my skunk cleaner shrimp are giving birth. One of them just let off about 1000 sperm like eggs. So cool to watch. Granted, I know it is nothing more then free fish food but it is amazing for me to watch. I think all to often people look at the tank as a whole and miss out at the little wonders that heppen right before our eyes!!! I just thought I would share!!!
how people let there get to know looks like a Bristle worm..but all white
man I stare at my tanks for hours just looking at all the little life inside.
i witnessed my cleaner shrimp molt and die while molting....wait....thats not positive.....hmmm.....ummmm, I'll admit I stay up wayyyyy tooooo late just to look at my fish tank.
Ok so update of some really cool stuff. Looks like some of the eggs made it, I counted no less then about 100 baby cleaner shrimp living in my fuge and sump tonight. Most about 2x the size of a corpapod or so. SOme all aready getting color. Now, what to feed them?!? I am thinking finely crushed prime reef, Cyclops, and phyto might do it. I wish I could get my hands on some live rotofers. If the moster pods don't eat these shrimp first I might be able to raise a few which would be cool. They have won half the battle in my eyes by making it to safety in the fuge! Any suggestions?!?
That's awesome Brandon! You need to go ahead and send a PM to Porter (Aquazoa is his handle). He's got all kinds of experience raising up shrimp larvae. He's the invert coordinator for fish store and more (though your probably know that already...) Godspeed!

good news brandon I think jorges cleaner shrimp is about to have babies, this should be interesting.
I watch my tank for the small stuff too... That's why I'm so keen on reef tanks with lots of inverts, as opposed to fish-only; there's so much more going on! I've seen my snails spawn, all kinds of weird worms, stuff I still haven't identified, coralline algae that glows only when exposed to air and then only when viewed in the dark under the blue LED nightlights, copepod swarms, moulting shamefaced crabs, and all kinds of who knows what else... Marine reef tanks, IMNSHO, are the ultimate combination of Zen Garden and Ant Farm, and are considerably more fascinating than TV.
"Marine reef tanks, IMNSHO, are the ultimate combination of Zen Garden and Ant Farm, and are considerably more fascinating than TV."

That Says It All!!!!