We purchase a 110 gallon tank a few months ago. We set the tank up and let it cycle. We've done water test weekly since we set it up. Ph,nh3,no2,no3 zero out a little over two weeks ago. We went to the fish store and bought some clown fish. Two days later one laying on bottom dead. Check ph, nh3,no2 all zero, no3 was 5.0ppm. Go back to fish store, owner suggest getting a couple of damsel due to cost. They have been in there for a week now. Tonight when we fed them everybody eating swimming fine. A hour later one of the damsel's is swimming in a corner. Started looking at him and it was just circling 5 min later he's dead. I checked the four test all were 0 except no3 was 20.0ppm. We have also noticed that our clown has a white spot on his face not sure if we should be concrened by that or not. We are new to the hobby and want to make sure we are being good fish owners any advice will help.
Also the temp stays between 77-79 depending on which light is on and the specific gravity is at 1.024
Thanks in advance
Also the temp stays between 77-79 depending on which light is on and the specific gravity is at 1.024
Thanks in advance