need fish ID please


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so my friend just started up a tank and got this fish, people at the fish place that he went to said it was a wrasse but I dont think so, then again I could be wrong, I'm no expert in fish, I think it might be a Purple Pseudochromis, what do you think? Either way, such a cute lil fish :)

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Here is a picture of mine.
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class="gc-images" title="Purple-Pseudochromis.jpg_Thumbnail1.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
yeah sure does, how big is yours now? This guy is like 1" maybe a hair bigger.
thats definitely a pseudo, but without a better pic, its hard to tell what species. ALmost looks like an australian- which are some of the meanest fish ever. Hope your buddy didnt want any other fish."></a>

thanks but not really seeing it, the eyes alone are a no match, that and there is no elongated rays on the dorsal fin, which is a must to be that fish. hmmmm, the search continues, thanks again tho.
How much did you get that guy for? I've been looking for one for awhile that's cheap. It's probably one of the prettier looking dottybacks out of the available ones. It's an Eleqant Pseudo... here is more info:

glxtrix wrote:"></a>

thanks but not really seeing it, the eyes alone are a no match, that and there is no elongated rays on the dorsal fin, which is a must to be that fish. hmmmm, the search continues, thanks again tho.[/QUOTE]

The juv and female Capenter Wrass doesn't have elongated rays on dorsal fin. This fish looks just like the 3 Carpenter Wrass I got from a power buy couple months ago.
I'm going to have to agree with Wei's ID... it looks exactly the same, just not as healthy.
if it is indeed a carpenter, you may want to take some precautions as they do love to leap...
tscia wrote: I'm going to have to agree with Wei's ID... it looks exactly the same, just not as healthy.

I don't think anyone saw the URL that I actually posted in my first post that ID's the fish.

Anyway, if everyone's ignoring that post, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that fish in the first pic is a sohol tang wrasse.
kappaknight wrote: I don't think anyone saw the URL that I actually posted in my first post that ID's the fish.

Anyway, if everyone's ignoring that post, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that fish in the first pic is a sohol tang wrasse.

That is definitely NOT a flasher wrasse. It is a pseudochromis- no doubts. As to the species, I think Kappaknight has it. If it is the elegant redheaded pseudo, your lucky. If its a Australian or jaguar pseudo, you not. Some pseudo's (like the latter) are some of the meanest fish you can put into a tank.