Need help with new tank cycle questions

Linda Lee;55591 wrote: Would it be beneficial to use a UV in a QT? Zap everything before it goes into the main system? Seems anything that is beneficial that is zapped in the fallout wouldn't matter, since you have all the goodie-goods in your main tank.

Your thought process is correct here but UV still has a flaw in the concept, the slow speed that you need to run the water through to kill a complex creature like Ich is REALLY slow.... I ran my 9W Coralife turbo twist at <75gph.. At that speed the parasite reproduces and is free swimming faster then you can nuke it... Now running a 10 gallon tank through a UV at 75 gph would be much more sucessful in theory but at that point, there are better ways to treat Ich with better results in a QT tank, like Cameron said, one of the safest and sure fire ways is hyposalenity...
Linda Lee;55591 wrote: Would it be beneficial to use a UV in a QT? Zap everything before it goes into the main system? Seems anything that is beneficial that is zapped in the fallout wouldn't matter, since you have all the goodie-goods in your main tank.
I don't think it is necessary. If you run QT for say 6 weeks, you are going to see ick present itself. If you see ick in QT, I would go with a hyposalinity treatment rather than UV.