New 40b tank all Australian Live Rock


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East Cobb
Ok so this tank is a departure from my usual set up. I normally make my custom all in one but not on this tank. This time I’m going with over the counter pieces.

Tank will be a standard 40 gallon breeder, no cover.

Filtration will be a Tunze Comline filter 3162 and a Tunze 9001 skimmer. The 3162 has outstanding surface skimming ability and while the protein skimmer is on the small side, it should be good enough.

Circulation will be a 1850 GPH gyre cross flow pump.

Lighting will be several various LED strip lights. A departure from my usual tank set up, the lighting on this tank will have mostly white lighting.

Initial stocking will be 20 lbs of live Australian rock. The rock will be here by noon tomorrow.
Pee Wee Herman Wow GIF
Interesting to see how your 40b turns out compared to the one I’m setting up this week!