New bulbs for my T5 nova extreme


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Right now I have a 36" 39w Nova Extreme 2 10k (on one switch) and 2 actinic (on the second switch), so 156w total. The tank is a 45 gallon and 24" tall. I am looking for some thing that will help coral grow better. I have some acro and monti, leathers and ricordea, and a brain. The set up I have now may be the best. I am having some hair algae problems so I dont want anything that may make that worse or at least I may wait to change the bulbs till I get it taken care of.

The bulbs that are in there now are only about 3.5 months old so I dont have to change them but if it would help out coral growth I would like to do it.
Bump, any help? I know that the bluer the color the better it will penetrate the water better but what is the best to get the color in corals. And does algae grow better in blue light?
Your algae problem is not related to your lighting. Algae issues are symptomatic of an issue with nutrient export or import.

Fixing nutrient issues is not altogether that easy. It involves ensuring the water going into your tank is free of TDS/nitrates/phosphates. It entails feeding less and increasing your skimming and nutrient export from a healthy refugium. Even with all that in place you still need some sort of grazer to trim the hedges down and thus converting the nutrients in the algae into a more readily removable form.

Get your nutrients in check and add a grazer like a sea hare, mexican turbos, or a tang, etc. Its not an overnight fix. :(
I know the algae is mostly from nutrients, but I also know that the wrong spectrum bulb can help it grow faster. Changing the light is more for helping coral growth than stopping the algae.
In relation to spectrum and algae growth... typically we hear about this in terms of a spectrum shift of halide bulbs. As halide bulbs age they tend to shift their spectrum. Some people have reported algae blooms due to shifts. The shift is always to the longer wavelength so from a higher K to a lower one. I guess we could theorize that the bluer the lights have less useable par for algae? I dunno if anyone has done work on making this determination but it could be the case...

In the end its still all about the nutrients :).
agreed 3 month old t5 bulbs should not be an issue with algae. now as for advice on what kind to get i really like blue plus bulbs. in my 6 bulb unit i have 4 blue plus and 2 aqua blue bulbs.
would you replace the 10ks with the blue plus, or the actinic bulbs. Both or just one. I have seen some 18000k bulbs any though on them.
Bluer spectrums generally speaking produce less algae growth in my experience, but also impeed coral growth. I don't think there is much doubt that 6500k bulb while not as blue sure causes corals to shoot up but also causes algae to grow faster as well. Throw a 6500k bulb over some chaeto and put a 20k bulb over it... the 6500k will certainly outgrow the 20k.
oh as for the algae problem, nutrients and often flow. Most nuissance algae hate high flow.
Ok looking around I think I am going to go with 2 460nm actinic, one 10000K and one

aqua blue plus"></a>


aquablue special 12000K

which bulb would you go with 11000K or 12000K I am looking for a little more blue in the tank and is the 460 nm the best actinic to use?
If you want a daylight bulb, the UVL Aquasun is considered one of the best.
I am looking for something a little more blue so I know I want to keep one of the 10000k bulbs and go with the 11000 or 12000. I am just not sure which one
You won't notice much of a difference. The ATI Aquablue special is white so is the Giesemann Aquablue Plus. They say the UVL AquaBlue is a good mixed bulb, but I haven't seen it personally.
i would keep your 10k bulbs and replace your actinics with blueplus bulbs. i found that i get just as much color with the blueplus along with more PAR in comparison to actinic bulbs. personally i don't think T5 actinics really do all that much for a tank.
The way the fixture works is it has 2 bulbs on one switch and 2 on another switch. Right now I run my 10000k for 8 hours a day and the actinic turn on a hour befor and off a hour after the 10k would you change out the actinic bulbs (or just 1) and keep the same light schedule
I am not a fan of the actinic myself. The only reason to use them is if you like that deep purple look. They don't do much for your corals. I would try an ATI Blue Plus as suggested above.
I got a Giesemann Aquablue Plus bulb yesterday and replaced one of the 10ks. It looks a lot better. I think there was some thing wrong with my 10k because the tank looks a lot whiter befor it had a bit of a yellow tint to it so I am thinking about changing the other 10k out also.

Cdub I thought you would get better par with blue lights, dont the more blue of the spectrum penetrate the water better?