Found a really great, cheap hack for retaining splashes and jumpy fish that looks nice and costs less than $10.
I bought this silicone weather stripping, 16ft roll for $6 on Amazon, and stuck it along the edge of my aquarium. It's done an amazing job stopping salt creep, drops and jumpy fish from escaping!

It comes in a bunch of different widths and colors, I chose clear but black could look nice too. You can barely see it from afar, only when you get right up close.
I'll find the Amazon listings for it in a moment.
I bought this silicone weather stripping, 16ft roll for $6 on Amazon, and stuck it along the edge of my aquarium. It's done an amazing job stopping salt creep, drops and jumpy fish from escaping!

It comes in a bunch of different widths and colors, I chose clear but black could look nice too. You can barely see it from afar, only when you get right up close.
I'll find the Amazon listings for it in a moment.