New from Macon


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Hey guys,

Just wanted to say a quick hello.... I'm a noob to the hobby, just starting my 12g nano tank although I've been researching for literally years... Ready to get my feet wet!! Excited to meet more people in my area in the hobby.

Where's the LFS for Macon?! I used to frequent the one in Athens when I was in college.

*eagerly awaiting my live rock order* :D

Anywho, I'm sure ill have tons of questions soon!

Thanks for reading,
Hey Megan The stores in Macon are not worth the time honestly. You will catch Diseases and Pest Guaranteed.

Please use our sponsors. Although no close by they are worth the trip.
PFCDeitz;853638 wrote: Hey Megan The stores in Macon are not worth the time honestly. You will catch Diseases and Pest Guaranteed.

Please use our sponsors. Although no close by they are worth the trip.

Thanks... Pretty much what I expected... I thought I had searched Macon pretty well... Looking around, Blue Planet seems to be a favorite. I'm not opposed to a little road tripping!

beccaf91;853640 wrote: Hey how are you? Make sure to do your homework and cure your live rock before you put it in your tank. This will save you a lot of algae trouble down the road. If you need any help along the way let us know......

Even for a new setup?
Gapisces;853641 wrote: Thanks... Pretty much what I expected... I thought I had searched Macon pretty well... Looking around, Blue Planet seems to be a favorite. I'm not opposed to a little road tripping!


Even for a new setup?

BP is a great store!
beccaf91;853645 wrote: Just my opinion but it's very important to prep everything that goes into your main display tank. Die off from your live rock being shipped can case trouble down the road

I figured the little die off would jump start my nitrate cycling with ammonia... No water changes and no lighting for cycling, right? That's what I've gathered from numerous other forums. Thanks for your help!

Curtismaximus;853646 wrote: Welcome Megan, glad to have another local!

beccaf91;853654 wrote: easier for my to put it in a small container sitting on eggcrate so all the die off goes straight to the bottom of the tub and during a water change you can just wash it out with a water hose and inspect the rock for dead snails or sponges, or even clams. a twelve gallon tank is crucial as far as being forgiving. a larger tank = less room for error smaller tank algae can take off quickly.

Good tip... Will do... I know how to be patient :-) little things now help so much in the long run!
Gapisces;853641 wrote: Thanks... Pretty much what I expected... I thought I had searched Macon pretty well... Looking around, Blue Planet seems to be a favorite. I'm not opposed to a little road tripping!


Even for a new setup?

Welcome to the club! There is no special store in this area [Macon]. I've been to Blue Planet and for me it is o.k. I visited Pure Reef last summer when we had a Group Buy on Red Sea Coral Pro salt. Pure Reef is a great place and the staff is exceptional. Although my visits to Reef Stores in Atlanta is limited, as of now, Pure Reef is my favorite.

I plan on visiting JennM at Imagine Ocean on my next visit to Atlanta. Imagine Ocean is north of Atlanta and JennM is a tremendous help, especially when someone gets a sick fish. JennM has adopted some injured fish that she is commited to taking care of. For her dedication to this hobby, I will visit Imagine Ocean.

If you are ever in the Jacksonville, FL area, I highly suggest a visit to BioReef. I would go to BioReef on your way back home, because you will most likely pick up some livestock to bring back home with you. Bring your GPS to find BioReef, the place is located in an Industrial Park off the main business roads. Ask about a 10 % discount for being an ARC member when you are at BioReef. They gave me a discount.

Your discount won't work at Noah's Ark in Macon. I asked this past week and I was denied any discounts. Bring you receipt [proof of payment] for your ARC membership to the sponsors in Atlanta to get a discount on your purchases. Your membership card should be mailed to you so than you just show the sponsors your card instead of your proof of payment receipt.

I hope this information is helpful. Again, welcome to the ARC!

beccaf91;853657 wrote: by no means take this as gospel alot of ways to do things. I just the kinda person who bleaches dryrock even if ordered online or gotten from a friend lol
What is the ratio you use to bleach the rock, i.e. 1 capful of bleach to 10 gallons of water?
Welcome Megan. Glad to see another local around.

PFCDeitz;853638 wrote: Hey Megan The stores in Macon are not worth the time honestly. You will catch Diseases and Pest Guaranteed.

Chris, although the stores in Macon are not what Atlanta has to offer, making statements that "you will catch diseases and pests guaranteed" is a sure way to kill the local fish stores who try to do their best.

Proper quarantine techniques and dipping new corals is the best method to greatly reduce introducing any unwanted diseases and pests. Even when purchasing livestock from well known stores, there is always the possibility of getting something extra that is not wanted. You know this to be true as you have had multiple bouts with disease and pests.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!!

I'm listening to everything you guys are saying :up:
Butch;853668 wrote: Welcome Megan. Glad to see another local around.

Chris, although the stores in Macon are not what Atlanta has to offer, making statements that "you will catch diseases and pests guaranteed" is a sure way to kill the local fish stores who try to do their best.

Proper quarantine techniques and dipping new corals is the best method to greatly reduce introducing any unwanted diseases and pests. Even when purchasing livestock from well known stores, there is always the possibility of getting something extra that is not wanted. You know this to be true as you have had multiple bouts with disease and pests.

Reason I say it is that all of their tanks have flatworms and Pest algae. Its just a fair warning.
Welcome, good to see another local, we've been growing in number lately.Local stores are Macon pets and Noah's ark.
Welcome aboard, Megan...glad to have another hobbyist in the local area.

Some sage advice provided here, but by no means is anything guaranteed in this's pretty much a gamble with any livestock, regardless of source, so always play it safe.
Cycling update...

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Seems to be going well... Think the dry rock has a little bit of phosphate... Tested the RO/DI water and it is untraceable... Using phosphate reducing pads to try to help... Try to put a new piece in every couple of days...

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What do you guys think?