New here! Hi and need some advice...


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Hi all! My name is Christian, and I am new to ARC. I was wondering if I may pick your brains for a little advice, as I am kind of tossing some possibilities back and forth...

The economy has put a slight damper on my spending, and a recent livestock die-off (don't know why) has me with my current system empty save for my one cleaner shrimp...what a trooper.

OK so first off...what I have, and what I need.

What I have I will sum up in pictures...

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This tank has a very rough stand, about 100+ lbs of LR, 80+ lbs LS, and 2 Koralia 5's.

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Here is a very basic sump...problem with this sump is the water level constantly changes because of evap/top my skimmer dosnt work very well....Coralife Superskimmer 220.

I also have a 30 gallon quarentine tank (huge lesson learned) here:
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no big thing...just a heater and a hang on back filter....

Here is my problem...

Do I try to trade everything I have for a smaller all in one like a RSM or something of the sort...or do I keep going with mine, knowing that it will probably run without critters for another year or so...

IF I keep what I have...this is what I want to do...

1. Build a taller stand out of 1x4, 1x8 lumber, plywood, and skin it with a hardwood bead board...I would need some guidance here...

2. Build a matching canopy, which will eventually gain some Retro T5 lighting, as I can afford...was thinking I'd start with 4 x 39 T5 DIY...
(OR install a cheapo light fixture, and do a DIY led project down the road...I am leaning toward T5)

3. DIY a better sump....So I can have a dedicated skimmer chamber for a more uniform skim setting....

4. Start adding livestock again...Not sure about going with Angels, tangs, etc...or more reef friendly...that can be decided later I guess.

5. Eventually upgrade the skimmer...and add some LED spotlights for shimmer...

The other option to get something a bit more turnkey....well it will be cheaper on the wallet (good) enable me to stock a fish or 2 and maybe some coral immediately (good) but will prevent me from going aggressive (not sure) and will surely limit my selections (bad).

I doubt selling it all at this point and starting over one day would be an option, as what could I REALLY get for it in todays economy after all...

What do you all think? IF you think keep what I have and start building a stand and canopy...I may need to introduce myself to Grouper Therapy... :)

Thanks for listening, and I look forward to chatting with and getting to know you guys!!! <edit> and Gals!!!

Don't forget the value of an Auto Top Off to help keep your parameters stable by replacing evap water.... and welcome to ARC! :D
Welcome aboard! If you're going T5, make sure your lighting is HO and use a single reflecter for each bulb.
Thanks for the welcomes all!

Just wanted to also float something out there.... Because I am still learning, etc. IF anyone ever has any interesting projects going on any time on the weekends and need a hand with it, I would be happy to help. Would be a great opportunity to gain exposure to different set-ups, and hands on experience...And a great opportunity to get to meet some of you as well...

Anyone know offhand when the next club meeting is going to be?


Welcome to ARC, Christian!

Probably the first order of business would be to determine why your livestock died off - at least so as not to repeat that.

The system you have is certainly fixable. That sump could easily be turned into a refugium at very little cost (a light, some substrate)... I'd lose the "super" skimmer and get something more suited to the size of tank - that might cost a bit, but well worth the investment. Less than the price of a RSM for sure...

Is there something structurally wrong with the stand? Those stands are usually pretty sturdy - they aren't "furniture grade" but they do the job.

The Coralife SS is known to hate fluctuations in the water level. I have one on my 95 gallon tank. The single best thing to do is to use an auto top off to keep the water level in the sump constant.
Quick questions... return pump is the Model 18B from Danner I think...this good enough for my 125 Gallon?

Secondly...having never purchased a skimmer, just inheriting the coralife SS 220, and knowing I will be doing a DIY sump/refugium...will someone please give me some skimmer suggestions...PRICE IS IMPORTANT! Also please let me know it it is a in sump or external skimmer, and what else I would need for a turnkey (pump, etc.) solution?
Mag 18 is just fine for a 125.

As to skimmer - you'll find a ton of differing opinions and suggestions.

One thing that most of us will agree on, however, is you get what you pay for in a skimmer. Cheap isn't so cheap when you wind up putting good money after bad after having bought a cheap, non-performing skimmer. Most of us will also agree that a good skimmer is key to a successful system.

Having said that - you'll get a bunch of us making different suggestions. Me, I'm a Euro-Reef fan. Set it, forget it (except to clean it). Not cheap, but not as expensive as they once were. A VS135 with pump will set you back about $290. Not that bad really, considering you can spend about the same or a bit less for a lesser performing unit. That's an in-sump model."></a>
