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One of my buddies from school actually refered me here...

Anyways I just wanted to introduce myself, Im Crawford, some of my friends call me carty so that works haha

I've been in to fresh water for about 5 years and can tell you basically anything you want to know about them... I had a very well off 10 gallon tank then I upgraded to a 29 gallon and had great results with it

First I had mostly cheaper fish in there and then got interested in Discus and had it running very successfully with discus for a while. Now im selling the tank and everything with it.

I just bought a 54 gallon corner tank and look forward to starting my first salt water tank with a reef setup

If you interested in the 29 gallon just reply here, other then that...

glad to be here :)

Here is my 29 gallon before it became a discus tank, I had...
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11 Black Neons
3 Guarami's
2 Swordtails
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Spotted Puffer
3 Bosemani Rainbows
tank looks good, stick with freshwater unless you dont mind spending thousands and become addicted.
Oh well, Im already addicted :) I really want to see what I can do with Salt Water :) I think it will be a fun experiance, Im a chemical engineer major in school so I love all this stuff
How did you keep your freshwater tank so pristine? I am constantly fighting algae of various sorts.

welcome! i have always loved discus too! never had any freshwater fish that i could keep alive though... except bettas. Ppl kept telling us that salt was so much harder, but with us, it just clicked.
this is definately the place to be when you are just getting started!!
With freshwater, Algae can be a big problem

How long do you keep your lights on?
What sort of lights do you use?

Some basic tips that keep algae low (my tank grew algae on the back wall, and I let it because it is good for the tank and since it was only the back wall I just let it go)

Keep your lights on a MAX of 10 hours per day (I know its hard because you want to look at the fish, what I do is 12pm - 10pm

If you have a PC light, take out the blue ones, you only want white bulbs in your tank, blue causes ridiculous algae growth

Get more plants, plants suck up a lot of nutrients from the water and tend to starve the algae

Dont over feed

Get an algae fish (catfish, pleco...)

if you are already over run with algae you can use "algaefix" it wont hurt your plants or your fish if you follow directions
if i would have known back then, what I know today.....................................................stick with freshwater and buy youself a new!

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, like I said... I've done freshwater and with the help of the guys at Marine Fish I had a very successful experience.. now I just want to move into salt, its something i've always wanted to do but never really knew where to start and I heard freshwater were easier, so I started with a 10 gallon years ago and just experimented on my own because I didnt know any fish stores or about anything online and its pretty funny to see how far I've come as far as what I plan on doing with the 54 :)