New Member - getting back into the waters. Lots of questions!

Is that .25-.50 or 0.025 to 0.050?

Prior is pretty high and I would expect your fish to have issues if it gets any higher. Later is nothing to worry about considering where you are with this tank.
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Welp... guess this is good news: I have diatoms :) I thought I noticed them over the weekend, and sure enough, this morning they were all over the glass. The mimic tang is loving it: peck peck peck all day long.
Chalk me up as a new believe in Fritz Zyme 9. Quickest cycle imaginable.

I'm still getting a slight tinge of green on my ammonia test, so less than 0.25ppm. No nitrites, and nitrates are registering <5ppm. I guess that's a good thing... maybe my skimmer is oversized for my tank?