New Reefer, Looking for local support and knowledge

Welcome to the club! As far as rock goes I bought 95% dry rock and just bought a small amount of live rock from the LFS. Doesn't guarantee completely pest free but it does decrease the chance of pests. Biggest piece of advice you will be given is nothing good in this hobby happens fast.

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What are classified as pests? I'm excited for the live rock hoping I get some starfish or something (if that happens). What is not something good to have and is there a high chance of getting these things?
Under the new member questions is a post called hitchhikers in a reef tank that has good info on common pests and hitchhikers that come on live rock have a look at that it's some good info

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Thanks for the info! It was very informational. Are you basically guaranteed to get one form of bad hitchhiker or another?
I've had my tank up for about 3 months now and as far as I know i don't have any pests. The only way to guarantee you get no pests from rock is to use 100% dry/dead rock.

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tshives26;948305 wrote: What are classified as pests?

Children!!!! :-)

I know you all think I have no heart but now I have an ultrasound to prove it. :-)
tshives26;948305 wrote: What are classified as pests? I'm excited for the live rock hoping I get some starfish or something (if that happens). What is not something good to have and is there a high chance of getting these things?

pest= Rdnelson99 :lol2: