New tang addition


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I am wanting to add another tang to my tank but i am unsure about what i can add because i already have a yellow tang approximatly 3-4". i have a 90 gal tank. So if anybody has any suggestions that would be great. i have tried a powder blue and that did not go to well.
I would have to disagree with Jim. I would only suggest adding a ctanochaetus tang like a tomini or a kole.
Does he have a new tank? I know that the hippo and the naso tang get ich easy. But are pretty fish
thearnoldocean;148948 wrote: Does he have a new tank? I know that the hippo and the naso tang get ich easy. But are pretty fish
Both those fish get enormous and grow quick, and wouldn't fit into a 90.
My tank has been established for about a year and a half. Just looking for something with good color.
Tangs really need a lot of room as they grow. Turning frequently in a smaller tank can cause severe problems for the fish. I am not part of the Tang police, but even in my 135g I thought it might be too small for some of my tangs. You can always buy them young and sell them as they get big, but Tangs tend to grow fast. I did see a Purple Tang the other day that was a dwarf. I think it was in FlyingArmy's tank.
Yah a purple tang would work as they stay relatively small. As wood a bristletooth tang as panda suggested. I keep both a purple and a tomoni as my tank is only 5' wide.
I would do a purple. It'll add nice colour and is basically the same thing as a yellow, execpt it's purple! Kole would be a nice option too.

Naso's are nice, but they get huge. I'm not a fan of hippo's; they have poor survivability rates when they're small.
I tried a purple and a yellow together. The purple beat the crap out if the yellow. Since I had the yellow first the purple had to go. Now mine was in a 95 cube ( sort of) so in a bigger tank they may do ok.
i second the purple or tomini i have both and a yellow in my 90.....i also have a rabbit fish which grows big and eats like a pig make sure you have a good skimmer to clean up there mess cause they can all eat all day long
I think if the purple came in the tank last, you would be OK.