New Tank Plans


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Atlanta. Chastain/Sandy Springs
I'm not certain this is the right subsection so if it needs to be moved that's fine with me.

Here's the plan (so far). I currently have a 25gal but I am going to go big later this year. I'm thinking around 150gal +/-. I don't want anything lower than 125 and probably not bigger than 200 gal. The dimensions are my biggest qualifying factor. I don't want a super tall tank. Like the ones with a large top on them that are 30"+ deep. I would like to be able to reach the bottom or at least get pretty close if for some reason I ever need to grab something in there. Long and wide is the look and what I think is the best fit for the space that I want to put it in.

It will be a mixed reef tank with mostly LPS. I also want to bump up my fish a little bit. I only have 3 right now. 2 clowns and a blue damsel. I would also like to automate as much as possible. I'm also going to be putting in a water line behind the tank so I won't have to drag hoses or buckets around the house. Next to where I am putting it is a storage closet where I could put a 50gal drum or something to mix RO water.

I've only had my current tank a little over a year and while I've learned a lot there's even more that I don't know, especially when it comes to things like protein skimmers and auto-water changers.

As of now I'm thinking that I will just buy everything new unless I can get a great deal on a complete setup that I could basically plug and play. What I don't want is to run into having to make a bunch of custom or DIY stuff try and work together and end up with a mess of a rig. I was thinking that it might be best to figure out what all I will need and wait for Black Friday and see what kind of deal I can get buying everything at once from BRS. Regardless I won't be doing anything until about that time. Life is way to busy atm to dive (pun intended) into something like this right now.

Thoughts? Advice? Churlish remarks?
