New updates! Any suggestions or help post here!


Well-Known Member
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Johns Creek
If anyone has questions or suggestions please post them here.  I do have some work to do that will be completed by tomorrow.

We will be installing super cache tomorrow as well.  You will notice a significant difference between the mobile version and the desktop version.  If you are on a tablet or desktop you can scroll to the bottom of the page and select mobile version if you like that format better.

*****If you are on a mobile device turn your phone to landscape mode.  It will change they way the forums look and adds more information to be viewed.

******Just a note: the folders you see on the left of the forums are open or closed.   If it closed there are no new posts in that forum.  If it is open then there is new posts in that forum.

I really hope everyone enjoys the updates and we will continue to strive to create an amazing place for our community.
Thanks Dan.  We will be modifying the recent posts to look a bit different and may just add a flyout with the most recent posts instead of a column.

We are also adding some new features to our upload manager.  It will give you the ability to reaize images, drag and drop pictures, thumb nail images to expand sizing when viewing.
We have installed our update for the uploader.  This should allow you to drag and drop pictures to upload and viewing allows you to open the picture in a pop up window. Just click on the image.  Mobile and Desktop versions make uploading pictures simple and easy.  :)

Another amazing feature: If there are multiple pictures posted you can click the right side of the pop up picture and move to the next picture keeping the window open.

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Under the "NEWEST" column you will see a time stamp from the last post.  That is a link to the newest post in that forum.  Click it and it will take you directly to the most recent post.
We have added a link in the menus that will display most "Recent Topics".  As such, I will be removing the right column that displays the same information.  Here are two screen shots of the location of the the "Recent Topics".

Mobile Version

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Desktop version

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How about a way to tell a difference between pinned / stickied posts and normal posts?

I'm having a really hard time figuring out what the first unpinned thread is.

We are working on Sticky posts.  The sticky coding is being overwritten by the Custom CSS.  So our third party developers are looking into it.  :)
Yea I've got a suggestion! I suggest you give yourself and anyone who helped a raise.. Awesome job man.. This format is WAY better than the last and everything looks Awesome!!!

I know you have a full time job a family and plenty of pets(reef critters) to take care of and I also know that on top if all that you have to do ARC which is a full time job too. So just a big thanks for all the hard work and long hours you've put in and mostly for making the ARC enjoyable again.  To me this is the best ARC yet. It's so much better than anytime before.

Thanks once again and have an awesome day..  Anthony
Anthony thank you so much its very much appreciated!  We will continue to add new features soon.  One great one Im really looking forward to is opening Sponsor storefronts in the near future.
Oh, a suggestion. Not really but I wanted to edit my post above like the old site.

I just realized, and wanted to mention, that this works better on my phone than the old dinosaur site did.  The quirks that aggravated me don't happen now. I'm getting the hang of it pretty quick.

Thank you for the effort and sacrifice you put into this.