Newest additions to my reef


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Just returned from 10 days in Colorado on a birding expedition. Checked the 55g tank with my Bangaii pair and found these little guys swimming around! :thumbs: The male looks like he still has a mouthful of fry. I thought for sure these would have been deposited while I was gone and none would have survived. Pretty cool, looks like I need to crank up the brine shrimp hatchery again!:yay:

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My pair aborted their family plans when there was some stress in my display (clownfish weren't getting along), but I hope it happens again soon.
Too bad... I'm guessing that you will not have to wait too long. I found two more a few minutes ago in the spines of my urchin. It's behind the liverock so I can't get a picture.
They are hiding in the spines. The swim in and out, very cool! I am hoping I can raise them and you are welcome to the pick of the litter assuming I can keep this batch alive. The evil Singapore Angel is lurking on the other side of the 55G, separated from them by some egg crate. I'm hoping I can catch them once the male has deposited the rest and transfer them to a small 8G tank I have ready for them. I really did not expect that this batch would still be around when I got home.
Cool! I'll take any advice he has to offer. I've got some advice from others in the club too and a few websites.
those are awsome!! I would like to get in line.. I need to replace some that velvet killed!

Looks good,how big were your pair when they spawned? I've got a pair that are about 1 1/2 long and don't know what to expect!
Bob: Congratulations! You sure he did not release the fry and is holding again? I've had a male release fry and then 5 days later begin holding again. How many days would it have been now?
I was wondering about that ... by my count it would be almost 30 days which is my best guess. Is that something the male will do? My first experince with these guys so not sure what to expect.
Jason - my pair are probably about two inches in size. I've only had them about 4 months and they were pretty small when I got them. They are in a 55G with my Singapore Angel. I did not expect or plan for them to spawn and was setting up the tank to house some butterfly fish when I noticed the male holding the eggs. I had been feeding them live birne shrimp and frozen mysis mixed with enriched brine and they fattened up fast. Now, the angel is separated from the pair by an egg crate divider in the tank. Interestingly, two of the fry are on the side with the angel and he has pretty much ignored them all day. I'm guessing their not going to last long on that side. Only time will tell....
Do you think you can get some more shot of the babies. I would like to see the perspective on how big...or small... they actually are.
The babies are hiding behind some liverock. They are about 1/4" long but look identical to the adults... very cool! I'll try for some more pics today.
bobz;170434 wrote: Just returned from 10 days in Colorado on a birding expedition.

Side bar....

Were you able to add any new additions to your bird sighting list?
ha! I'll start a thread in the lounge on the Colorado trip! Between Bud and I, we probably took over a 2,000 pics, but unfortunately neither of us added any new birds. Didn't really expect to pick up anything new for me, but my wife and our other friend added about 20 new birds. It was an awesome trip and we had a great time!
that angel is one hungry fish :)

i was thinking of adding some cardinal fish to my reef. it would be cool to get them from a local source :up:

Quick update on the cardinal babies. I started hatching some brine shrimp eggs when I got home and saw them in the tank. Last night I fed them in the 55 Gallon and both of the babies gobbled up the newly hatched shrimp! I can't tell what if going on with the male since he still looks like he is carrying fry and not eating anything. I'd like to move the angel over to the side of the tank with Bangaii pair but was waiting to see what happens with the rest of the brood. Any one notice this type of behavior in the parent fish? I'm guessing this brood will just be the two babies that survived. I'll be better prepared for the next batch! I'll try to get some pics later today!
I took a few more pics this afternoon of the Bangaii babies. Looks like I will only have two from this batch that I can try and raise (which is two more than I thought I would have when I got back from vacation!). I tried to take some shots to give the perspectie of how small these guys reallt are for comparison. The mushrooms in the picture are about half dollar sized and the astrea is about the size of a nickle. And the lat picture is one in front of the heater and a baseball sized piece of liverock. These guys are really small. They are really chowing down on the newly hatched brine shrimp and I even saw them take some of the chopped up mysis I fed the angel and Bangaii pair. I'm going to try and segregate the angel from their side of hte tank tonight.

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