Newest additions to my reef

I bought 5 of these guys -- now all they want to do is hang around in the back corner.

I know they don't swim around much -- but darn -- couldn't they be a bit more visible???:sad:

Do they hate currents?
Those are great pics. What kind of camera are you using? I am sure mine couldn't get something so small. Do Bangaii usually have fry easily? I would love to have some " grandfish" too.:yay:
When buying bangaii, how do you tell. Males from females? Or are they like clowns and turn one way or the other?
Took the pics with my Nikon D200 with a macro lens. Not the best pics since I was hand holding and shooting in low light with a flash but they came out ok! These guys breed easily and I am hoping that they continue with another brood. I was away when this batch was deposited so I lost all but one. I had two but one did not make it. I'm not sure what is going on with the male now, he hasn't eaten anything since this whole thing started two months ago... I got to believe he must be starving but I can't entice him to eat. I don't think he could be carrying eggs again but he is sure acting like that is the case. I've got no clue as to what is happening with him now.
Well, it happened again while I was away on vacation. My Bangaii pair deposited more fry while I was away. Unfortunately, it was towards the beginning on the trip so none of the babies were left when I got home this weekend. I heard from our pet sitter that there were about a dozen or so fry in the tank on Monday. I was really surprised that the male had starting incubating again so quickly after the first batch. I have no idea how this guy is staying fed. Of course, I suppose if he accidentally swallowed a couple of babies now and then..oops... sorry honey i had to burb and they just went down the wrong pipe.... anyway, the one that I managed to salvage from the first batch is doing well and eating chopped frozen mysis along with the newly hatched brine shrimp. Hopefully, the next batch will be deposited while I am HOME and I can raise a few more.