Nishant's 29 Oceanic Biocube!


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Alright well, ive posted a picture once or twice in this forum, but now things are finally starting to come together. I took these pictures just now, and i had to turn my lights back on so everything isnt as opened as it usually is and my gorgonian needs to be put back into its proper place, but anyways here it is:

Lighting: 70 watt Metal halide (im borrowing a bulb right now, im getting a 10,000k in a few days hopefully), and a 36 watt actinic PC.

everything else is pretty much stock, no bioballs. I need to cut out a section of my acrylic splash guard, its starting to warp a good bit form the heat of the halide. I am still in the process of acclimating my corals from 2x36 watt pcs. if anyone has any ideas or could help me cut out that piece of acrylic probably 2x5 inches id appreciate it.
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If it doesn't have to be exact, I will wack you off a piece close to that from my scrap. Won't be perfect though.
oh no, i mean i have to cut a hole into my splashguard where the plastic is melting. Then im going to epoxy in a piece of glass. sorry should have been more clear
Fish: diadema dottyback (Pseudochromis diadema)
2 ocelleris clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris)
yellow tail damsel (Chromis xanthura)
Looking good man. So how are those new clowns doing against the damsel and the pseudochromis?
they seem to be holding their own so far, no worries...yet. The clowns are significantly bigger than the diadema but i dont know if thatll be enough

Cameron was generous enough to give me a few really nice sps frags from his tank, so big props to him!

I also added another acro, im not sure what type, but it has wonderful greenish hughes in the tank skeleton. I also added 2 peppermint shrimp, hopefully they will take care of the one or two aptasias that ive been meaning to get rid of. More pics to come shortly, probably tomorrow after everything has opened up better.
:) thanks kappa. Yes, if anyone has any questions or comments about the store, please ask me in the sponsor forum. Although its hard to keep business and hobby seperate, I think it would be more professional to do so. But to simply answer, no no updates yet, we are figuring out a schedule to build the stands.

no problem bud, send me a pm if you want more information, although we are still trying to figure out some of hte details.
new pics as promised: first full tank shot, then my new acro under actinics, then my brain under actinics (the white balance is custom adjusted though). then lastly two of the frags that cameron gave me.
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i am running into a slight, very slight cyano problem, but im attributing that to dead spots in the tank, im working on a way to get more flow to more areas
yeah yeah i know... i suck at aquascaping though. I am also looking at the sapphire aquatics skimmer thats made for my tank, its like 160ish though so its pricey. but anyways its time to do a water change, see you tomorrow josh
few more corals, picked up a flame angel as well. also added another good bit of bubble gum rock and blue ridge rock from cap bay. things are slowly starting to come together, but there is still alot of work to be done and unfortunately money to be spent! I am seriously considering buying the new sapphire aquatics recirculating skimmer, but its a pretty penny at 180ish. anyways here are the pics
oh ya i was going to buy the new BC29R but i got a 72 gall bow instead(hmm...maybe it might have been cheaper to just gotten that sapphire skimmer oh well)