Nishant's 29 Oceanic Biocube!

few more corals, picked up a flame angel as well. also added another good bit of bubble gum rock and blue ridge rock from cap bay. things are slowly starting to come together, but there is still alot of work to be done and unfortunately money to be spent! I am seriously considering buying the new sapphire aquatics recirculating skimmer, but its a pretty penny at 180ish. anyways here are the pics
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Lookin good man. Lotsa signs of life in the sandbed. Natural look with the low aquascape leaves plenty of room for coral growth. :thumbs:
yup thats my intention, i want a very full tank eventually where you cant really see the live rock.
i will try to take some this weekend if possible, i need to find the camera. Btw i changed the l70 watt halide 10000k to a 14000K bulb and the 36 watt actinic pc to a 50-50. the color is really nice now. lost most of my sps since i moved to school and my parents are taking care of it. i also come home every weekend to check on it and do water changes, scrub, etc. I have been battling cyano and hair algae, but the remaining corals are all doing well and growing at a decent rate. wow i forgot this thread existed!
update as of june 14th 2008
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Nice tank. I am running almost the same setup with the lights except I kept both PC's. Dont know how I have missed this thread
well i havent updated the thread in several months. Its been a while since ive had a chance to get ahold of a camera and also I just hadn't changed too much in the past 6 months. Thanks though!