Norton dies

Some people that are in the ARC are volunteers at the Aquarium. Others are biologists. Most are fish lovers with a sense of humor. Am I sad that Norton is no longer alive? Yes. Do I feel bad about making light of a bad situation? No. Did I smear the image of the ARC irreversibly? Doubt it or else the mods would have deleted the jokes. I guess some people around here don't know how to take a joke. I think there is an old saying about people who can't take a joke...
Lets put it another way- take your career, and it's ultimate goal- whatever that may be. Now, imagine a horrible tradegy has fallen on that goal which effects you professional, personally, and emotionally. Now imagine some amateurs in this field posting online jokes and criticisms of this tragedy. Seems pretty crass and irresponsible, doesn't it? Not to mention pissing you off.

People are certainly entitled to their doubts or opinions on this venture. But rubbing salt in a wound, especially in an early time of mourning, is especially poor taste, and all those that have done it should be disgusted with themselves.

If you think mocking and ridiculing people in the face of tragedy is funny, I am disappointed to be in such membership wiith such people.
Here is some advice Mr. Panda. Never hold public office. People like Jay Leno and Jon Stewart make lots of money ridiculing the failures of President Bush, Paris Hilton, etc. And that is just this week. Bloggers and websites everywhere follow suit. I am sure Bush cries himself to sleep at night. The reason that the Tonight Show is so popular is because if we didn't learn to laugh at the world's misfortunes, the world would be a pretty depressing place. Have a beer and a chuckle. Tomorrow will come whether you wallow around or not.
MrkCafe;47396 wrote: I'm new on the board so I need to ask, was the club involved somehow in the care of this animal ??

Seems like you people are taking this mighty personally.
SShindell;47397 wrote: Many of us are founders, volunteers, or on staff at GAI, or at least frequent visitors.
That's a good part of the answer, to be sure. It can also be said that events like this hit home with many reefers. Nobody wants to be morose about it, but we've all had corals/fish/inverts that we've done our best with some of the finest equipment available to keep in our aquariums, but that simply refused to live no matter how we tried to fix something that was out of our control. It's especially heartbreaking when it's a showcase specimen that withers before our eyes for no discernible reason. It's part of the circle of life, but that makes us extra sympathetic to those that do this for a career and on the scale of the aquarium.

If you check the
a>, there are plenty of critics rearing their alarmingly ignorant heads over the subject without having to endure it from people on these boards who not only share in the experience (albeit on a much smaller scale), but should know better about the intentions and efforts of the GAI staff and owners.  I think our reactions stem from this last point.
Yes the joke was in poor taste, but calm down people it was just a harmless joke. It was not meant to be malicious, and if that's all you can see from that then I feel sorry for you. Let's stop making mountains of molehills.

George;47395 wrote:
Then don't express your opinion by making a statement of fact. In court, this is where the opposing council pops up and says, "Objection, your honor. Counsel is stating opinion, not fact."

You've been watching too many TV shows :p. Counsel is allowed to state opinion, and is in fact expected to, so long as its a reasonable derivation from facts in evidence.

More importantly, Suasati does indirectly raise a good point... Perhaps this second death is an indication that these beautiful animals are just not meant to be caged. Obviously the whale sharks are an economic boon for the GAI, lets face it its their cash cow, so they're here to stay... It would be nice though to better understand why they keep dying. I for one would like to know alot more about their decision to use chemical pest control.
triggerhappy8;47403 wrote: People like Jay Leno and Jon Stewart make lots of money ridiculing the failures of President Bush, Paris Hilton, etc. And that is just this week. Bloggers and websites everywhere follow suit.

There's big difference about laughing over the follies of a famous person vs. the death of an innocent creature.

The reason that the Tonight Show is so popular is because if we didn't learn to laugh at the world's misfortunes, the world would be a pretty depressing place.

Learning to know when to laugh and when to be respectful is just as important. Hundreds of people have put a lot of time and energy into bringing this whale shark to the masses in an attempt to educate. It can be argued whether this is morally right or not, but no one wanted this shark to die, whether they supported the effort or not. To be disrespectful of their efforts, the animal's life, and to other people who do value those things is just poor taste.

If you think I'm wrong, go to a funeral and start cracking jokes about the deceased and see how far it'll get you; there's a time and place for everything.

Whatever the case may be, I've removed the link from the post. While some (maybe most) people may not be offended, there's no value in leaving it there - it only adds fuel to the fire.
FutureInterest;47410 wrote: You've been watching too many TV shows :p. Counsel is allowed to state opinion, and is in fact expected to, so long as its a reasonable derivation from facts in evidence.
Counsel is allowed and expected to state reasonable *conclusions* from facts in evidence. Opinion is still opinion and the original statement was opinion driven. There is no evidence that the GAI is acquiring specimens for "bragging rights" and, due to the fact that there are remaining whale sharks in apparent good health and no direct evidence other than speculation exists that previous deaths have anything to do with staff actions or negligence, there is no reason to conclude that the staff "can't keep the ones [they] already have alive". While I'm not a lawyer, I assure you that neither my courtroom knowledge nor my debate skills were learned from TV. :D
FutureInterest;47410 wrote: Perhaps this second death is an indication that these beautiful animals are just not meant to be caged.
The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium has had a single specimen that continues to do well after 12 years and has had excellent success with whale sharks over the years. However, they have had losses do to differences in initial health of the animals.
FutureInterest;47410 wrote: It would be nice though to better understand why they keep dying.
I agree it would be nice to know more and understand. I think the staff is doing just that. However I wouldn't characterize two deaths as "keep" dying (which implies a pattern) unless it comes about that they both died of the same problem.
My son is pretty upset over the death. We had the pleasure of eating lunch with Jeff (the director) one day at the aquarium...very sorry for their loss. They really do care about the animals and while there is a financial interest in keeping the ooh-ahh displays they treat the inhabitants better than most hobbiests.
mojo;47412 wrote: There's big difference about laughing over the follies of a famous person vs. the death of an innocent creature.

Learning to know when to laugh and when to be respectful is just as important. Hundreds of people have put a lot of time and energy into bringing this whale shark to the masses in an attempt to educate. It can be argued whether this is morally right or not, but no one wanted this shark to die, whether they supported the effort or not. To be disrespectful of their efforts, the animal's life, and to other people who do value those things is just poor taste.

If you think I'm wrong, go to a funeral and start cracking jokes about the deceased and see how far it'll get you; there's a time and place for everything.

Whatever the case may be, I've removed the link from the post. While some (maybe most) people may not be offended, there's no value in leaving it there - it only adds fuel to the fire.

Look guys, I was in no way attempting to disrespect the efforts of anyone involved with the Georgia Aquarium. I was shocked and upset when I had heard the news as well. I only meant to maybe help someone crack a smile and cheer them back up a little. I did not realize that this forum was the official wake and viewing of Norton. My condolances to the family.
George;47395 wrote: The "WOW factor" was already there from day one. Bringing more in hardly adds to it.
Is that an opinion or a fact?

Then don't express your opinion by making a statement of fact. In court, this is where the opposing council pops up and says, "Objection, your honor. Counsel is stating opinion, not fact."

Huh!!!! You can take a fact and state your opinion..... It is called an opinion..... Not an argument... and I wasn't arguing.... so the judge and the jury aren't my concern..... I mearly stated my opinion.... I never expected anyone to accept it either.... You can critic it call it wrong,..... Don't convert it in to an argument.... there isn't anything to argue here....
SuAsati;47435 wrote: Is that an opinion or a fact?
Conclusion of logic, assuming you accept the definition of "WOW factor".

From day 1: Largest Aquarium in the world and largest single tank in the world (formerly Osaka, I believe).

When the first whale shark died on 1/11/2007, the aquarium already had 4 whale sharks in a tank designed to hold 6 which is 1 more than any other aquarium in the world. The only "WOW factor" would be the fact that down to 3, they were merely equal to Osaka and Okinawa in population and by acquiring 2 in June, they were back to top. My statement was intended to logically refute your assertion that the aquarium was increasing its population merely for whatever results an increase in population would gain ("WOW factor", in your opinion). I'll add that I'd figure that planning for 2 more whale sharks might have been in the works by the time of Ralph's death, but I could be wrong on that one.

However, since many species in the wild have competition between males for mating rights with females, the GAI's goal of breeding would make the acquisition of 2 more males a very logical and sound idea, assuming that whale sharks have any sort of competitiveness regarding mating cycles and don't simply mate with whatever is available by default.
MrkCafe wrote: But You guys - holy COW
Heh. We've got some hot-button subjects. :D

Don't bring up cars ... :thumbs:
OK, lets let it go....I agree with George that this is a hot topic for some people, including me. I think you can appreciate what Chris said when he said timing is everything, and while I do not feel that the comments were done with evil intent, they also were not respectful of how people feel at a time like this. A level of respect and civility is expected from our members toward each other and toward public aquarium professionals that are also courtesy members of ARC.

Regards to the other stuff,....lets just back up a bit, consider the real need of any additional posts, and move on...
we should have a moment of silence for this wale and to be glad that it is not suffering anymore and the pain has been relased with this majestic creatures soul.
George;47450 wrote:

My statement was intended to logically refute your assertion that the aquarium was increasing its population merely for whatever results an increase in population would gain ("WOW factor", in your opinion).:thumbs:

When I was at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, I saw Sauber, then I saw Two williams... then a renault and McLauren then all 22 of them went lapping....... I went "WOW"......
But my better half barely noticed the marvels of machinery go by...... You see, "WOW Factor" can never be a fact...... It is ones opinion.... No Logic, but everyone is entiltled to come to their own conclusion..... That's the beauty of it, and ofcourse opinions.

Nano_Reefer92;47458 wrote: we should have a moment of silence for this wale and to be glad that it is not suffering anymore and the pain has been relased with this majestic creatures soul.

yo... misspelling "whale" in a whale thread is so disrespectful. :eek:
Nano_Reefer92;47468 wrote: opps see but i still passed my honors english class with a 93 how did i do it who knows lol

Umm can we say Gwinnett county schools?!? Heck, if you can speak English in Norcross you are put in honors english! ;) J/K That is so disrespectful!
Xyzpdq0121;47469 wrote: Umm can we say Gwinnett county schools?!? Heck, if you can speak English in Norcross you are put in honors english! ;) J/K That is so disrespectful!

HAHA! Nice Brandon. Careful though, by posting a joke like that you might give the ARC a bad name.
Speaking of that TriggerHappy8, after so many posts, how come you have not joined the club?