Not Sure I have Any Business Starting a Build Thread After a Year but....


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East Cobb
I probably won't make the update conditions anyway,
I started keeping fish in high school a REALLY long time ago using under gravel filters and incandescent lights!
FFWD to 2020, I'd always wanted a big(er) tank and am running the current 4' 100g.
It came with a sump, but I honestly dont know who made it. If anybody cares, here is the hardware

Varios 4 return
BRS Ti heater and Inkbird.
2 small power heads
1 Reefwave 45
2 Hydra 32 HDs
25w AquaUV running on a Varios 2
Reef Octo Skimmer - internal - also on a Varios 2
Apex, Trident and Dos
some cheapo ATO

The tank has an internal overflow and return. I used the 3 drillled holes to setup the overflow as a bean animal and return the water over the back. Now what I'd do now, but I was new when I planned it and had not found the Club yet. Pics/stock otw.
Ok, here are some shots from when I was trying to work out the plumbing. As I mentioned above, I converted the 3 drilled holes into a bean animal overflow and ran the return over the top edge of the tank. I was originally going to plumb a pvc manifold off the return for reactors, but gave up in favor of 3/4 silicone tube. Not as sexy looking, but way easier.


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I would start a build thread, but just about the time I have water, fish and corals, I break it down and sell it haha.. Never too late to start one!
After sitting in the living room dry for nearly 2 years i finally got my feet wet by taking a week off work in July 2020. I was working at Grady hospital at the time and between our normal census and the Covid patients my head was about to explode.
I made several errors leading up to this...too much sand on the bottom, no-name lights that never quite worked as they should and the 80/20 light mount that didn't allow for an algae scraper. Live and learn I suppose. Cycled the tank with CaribSea LifeRock and Dr Tim's and some ammonia borrowed from @SaltwaterGardening (the membership was starting to pay for itself in less than a month!)
After a month I added the clowns that I love to hate and some freebie frags for new supporting members (did I mention that the membership pays for itself VERY quickly) and I was off to the races.
Here is the leak test and the clowns, dubbed Pebble and Ozzie by my daughter.


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I have stocked the tank mainly with frags bought, traded for or given to me by club members. I bought a few from vendors at club meetings in an attempt to keep them coming back. More than a few drive from out of state and I'd like for them to keep coming back. I encourage anybody reading this to do the same.

I don't have a macro lens or filter for my DSLR, so I have a few wide shots in the mean time.


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I have stocked the tank mainly with frags bought, traded for or given to me by club members. I bought a few from vendors at club meetings in an attempt to keep them coming back. More than a few drive from out of state and I'd like for them to keep coming back. I encourage anybody reading this to do the same.

I don't have a macro lens or filter for my DSLR, so I have a few wide shots in the mean time.
Looking great!