Ocean Revive Arctic T-247


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Ok, so, those of you who have talked to me / followed threads know that I've never been an LED guy. (we won't discuss why here).
That being stated I just started a new build and I had to try out a fixture from Ocean Revive LLC called the Arctic T-247. Why? Because they advertise full spectrum, decent par and the price is.. well.. the price is around $130 when there isn't a sale. So, given these factors I figured... lets do this. I realize this isn't a $500 - $800 led, and I'm not trying to compare to those guys, but I want to keep track here of how the lights actually do.

Upon unboxing I was impressed with the build... they don't FEEL cheap, they are coated with a nice finish, each fixture has 2 fans on top and comes with some pretty darn good hanging kits.

These lights are over a 16" deep tank that is 48x24". Inside is one fish, which really doesn't matter here, and 17.. soon to be 25 different sps corals ranging from basic digitas to more fragile hawkins blue type of things. At the moment there are also 6 zoa mini colonies and 2 LPS corals (which are REALLY doing well).


Right now the lights are running at 40% white (full spectrum) and 80% blue at 19" over the water surface.

At that height 2 of the fixtures easily cover the 48X24" footprint. Light is fairly even with almost no spotlighting. Any lower and the spread starts to suffer. I think 14" would be just fine, but any lower and I will get "dead spots" in the corners.

Pics, along with coral frag pics should be up soon. Hopefully the frag pics will show some growth over the next few months.

I'm so excited to see this happen, I still haven't been convinced about coral growth/color with the LED revolution. I look forward to seeing what you find.
Hoping I'm proven wrong. BUT there are a lot of factors that go into coral stuff. Maybe we can at least see that these lights CAN work

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Basic pics
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mattgee87;1041207 wrote: I'm so excited to see this happen, I still haven't been convinced about coral growth/color with the LED revolution. I look forward to seeing what you find.

Hey Matt! Then you need to come revisit my tank again LOL.
Sn4k33y3z;1041211 wrote: Hey Matt! Then you need to come revisit my tank again LOL.

Yes I do , regardless of what I think of your LED's :-D.

I've personally had bad results with LED's, so i'm looking forward to seeing if this fixture ( which I can actually afford ) will work
Some frags as they are now

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heres an update on how the sps corals are doing with the Arctic T-247

It's been a week. Parameter wise I'm not doing anything crazy. Things are stabile. I HAVE raise PH to an avg of 8 this week, which is still just a little low for me, but I'm working on it.

I do does 10ml of acro power on each saturday, so its been 2 doses

I'm seeing a lighter pigmentation of the corals, but it isn't bleaching. One of the frags I got in was DARK purple, almost black, and it is a nice purple now, which I think is the correct color (looks like my GIANT purple tort did).
Overall colors are pretty dang good IMO.

I do see a few of the corals with elongated growth points, like the green slimmer and birds nest. It isn' a LOT of growth, but hey, its only been 7 days.

I'll post pics when there is more to see.
Here's a fairly evident example. The first pic was taken a week ago. The lights are at different settings so it'll look different.

What I'm looking at is the growth tip on the top.

A week ago
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As close to the same orientation as I could get
Top growth tip on the top is longer showing 1 weeks worth of growth

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I use and sell Those lights, so far I've been pretty impressed with them at that price point. I'm following.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but as I start looking at alot of these LED's, i personally use the reefbreeders, and they all look to be the same outer shell just rebranded. Can anyone weigh in on the differences, if any?

Reefbreeders P48 -
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Same controller, housing, almost sounds like same optics...
Probably a rebranded Evergrow. Most re-sellers will have a led layout tailored to their request. Find the one you like better and go with that. Wouldn't hurt to look at who offers a better warranty. I just had reefbreeders send me a replacement fan for free on a unit that was 2 months out of warranty.
Yeah I like the 2yr warranty with Reefbreeders and Logan over there is a stand up guy.
Ringo®;1041884 wrote: Probably a rebranded Evergrow. Most re-sellers will have a led layout tailored to their request. Find the one you like better and go with that. Wouldn't hurt to look at who offers a better warranty. I just had reefbreeders send me a replacement fan for free on a unit that was 2 months out of warranty.

Great point, I personally have been doing a lot of research on the different LED options out there. I've tried most of the popular ones over the past few years. I can tell you that running 3 ocean revives on my 180 alone took a lot of the color out of my corals. LPS seem to do better under these leds vs SPS as far as color goes. One thing I did get was a ton of good growth from these led's both lps and sps.

Since adding a 4 bulb t5 unit to my 180, my colors really pop now. All the faded/washed out looking corals have finally turned around and are way better looking now vs under the leds alone. I think it comes down to price, personal preference, and what your goals are for your reef. Can't beat the efficiency of leds when it comes to power consumption and heat but when it comes to color, t5's and mh's win IMO. It has been interesting watching the progress and experimenting with different lighting.

I don't think OR's or any of the others are worth the extra money when you can just get the cheaper black boxes. Most of the box led's are setup similarly. Different layouts, different warranties, and maybe different lenses but other than that I have seen no difference in what they can do. I am currently in the market for some new lights (frag tank) but may go with t5's or the new smaller controllable kessil a160s.
Nickh06;1041900 wrote: Great point, I personally have been doing a lot of research on the different LED options out there. I've tried most of the popular ones over the past few years. I can tell you that running 3 ocean revives on my 180 alone took a lot of the color out of my corals. LPS seem to do better under these leds vs SPS as far as color goes. One thing I did get was a ton of good growth from these led's both lps and sps.

Since adding a 4 bulb t5 unit to my 180, my colors really pop now. All the faded/washed out looking corals have finally turned around and are way better looking now vs under the leds alone. I think it comes down to price, personal preference, and what your goals are for your reef. Can't beat the efficiency of leds when it comes to power consumption and heat but when it comes to color, t5's and mh's win IMO. It has been interesting watching the progress and experimenting with different lighting.

I don't think OR's or any of the others are worth the extra money when you can just get the cheaper black boxes. Most of the box led's are setup similarly. Different layouts, different warranties, and maybe different lenses but other than that I have seen no difference in what they can do. I am currently in the market for some new lights (frag tank) but may go with t5's or the new smaller controllable kessil a160s.

How long are you running the t5s along with the LEDs?
The issue of color was in another recent thread.... I'll say the same thing here:
Every time I've experienced explosive sps growth the color has been somewhat "zeovitish" .

not bleached out.. just lighter.

Following along, great pictures depicting growth, please keep taking pictures and updating your experience! Holley:D
LSU_fishFan;1041901 wrote: How long are you running the t5s along with the LEDs?

about 2-3 months. Didn't take long before I started seeing better color, maybe 2-3 weeks.
i have these lights on a 6ft tank and my colors took off after a switch from 14k 250K DE Halides.
I think people turn them up too much and lose color- I know 1 person who was running a similar size tank as mine and had whites @65% and colors faded fast-
I currently run mine blues 85% and white 37%-