ok help again please...

seedless reefer

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Noticed today that my clown trigger has a white powdery substance on him and eyes appear a bit cloudy.

Does not look like salt granules per the wiki but I'm betting this is it.

Do I really have to put this fish in a hospital tank for months?

I read all of the info but I'm confused. I have no corals or inverts in my tank I do have an emerald crab in my fuge should I pull him out and dose with copper?????

Confused here help.
Sounds like ick. Move him to a QT tank after doing a fresh water dip. Make sure the RO water has the same temp and pH as the main tank. I usually put a little Seachem Paraguard in the RO water. I wouldn't rush to copper treatment yet. I've successfully treated 2 tangs that had ick with just RO+Paraguard and some time in QT tank only. It may take more than 1 dip to get rid of every spot of ick.
How in gods name do I get my RO water to the same PH as my tank?

I'm sure the triggers would be very fond of a shrimp :D

BTW did you get your paypal?
oops, I had tang on the brain! don't mix triggers and inverts, don't mix triggers and inverts, don't mix triggers and inverts, don't mix triggers and inverts,
yes, I got the paypal. Thanks. Do you want me to ship everything other than the bulbs?
Seedless Reefer;62773 wrote: How in gods name do I get my RO water to the same PH as my tank?

I use either Mrs Wage's Pickling Lime (Kroger $1.50 for 1lb) or Ball's Pickling Lime (Walmart) to adjust the pH up to 8.1
No No ship nothing I'm sure you and I can hook up soon...I'm in no hurry.

Perhaps the next meeting or the next bbq i'm SURE someone is working on as we speak right? right?
Hey Loren, can you shoot me a pic... it could be a few things...

If it is Ich and you want to do a FW dip, your are more then welcome to read my Wiki article here:
a> and ask me any questions after you read it. Not to disagree too much with Dkelly up there but baking soda is a better way to raise the PH for a FW dip IMHO.
Ok Loren, I am writing this not got Panda because he might have some thoughts on the matter too.

FYI: I was right, you can not dip the puffer so we are going to have to figure out a different form of treatment.

Hey Panda, Here are the symptoms:

So far a few fish have been effected by some sort of Parasite. A puffer, some triggers, A dwarf angel and a wrass (is this right Loren?)

Symptoms have been described as:

cloudy eyes (the has me confusedbecause I associate with something like Benedenia but the other symptoms do not follow.)

Spots that look more like Baby powder then salt maybe more over the dorsal area but not sure. (Indicates maybe Brook or Oodinium)

Wounds and areas of blotchiness have been noted that are opaque in color (again Brook or Oodinium but could be discoloration from Ich)

The wrass is flashing on rocks which could cause the discoloration or wounds.

Fish breathing is normal and appitite is fine.

I know they brought in a fish about two weeks ago with Ich so it seems like the likely culprit here but the blotches and the cloudy eyes are not as common for the illness. Then again, if it was Oodinium, we will know soon enough since this came on if full force yesterday. (They will die off pretty soon!)

I am recommending a FW dip and of course hypo. The problem is the Puffer can not be FW dipped and I am not sure if he can undergo hypo. You know I do not like copper and these fish are not my cup of tea so I do not know how they stand up to it. (Other then the angel who can not under go copper treatment). Loren has M. Green which can be used but formalin dips might be a better course of treatment.

What are your thoughts?!?
dkelly;63098 wrote: Here's some pictures of my blue tang when he had ick


Did he survive? What did you do?
Xyzpdq0121;63476 wrote: the Puffer can not be FW dipped and I am not sure if he can undergo hypo.

The puffer is now hanging out at the surface and appears to be gulping air.

Xyzpdq0121;63476 wrote: Ok Loren, I am writing this not got Panda because he might have some thoughts on the matter too.

FYI: I was right, you can not dip the puffer so we are going to have to figure out a different form of treatment.

Hey Panda, Here are the symptoms:

So far a few fish have been effected by some sort of Parasite. A puffer, some triggers, A dwarf angel and a wrass (is this right Loren?)

Symptoms have been described as:

cloudy eyes (the has me confusedbecause I associate with something like Benedenia but the other symptoms do not follow.)

Spots that look more like Baby powder then salt maybe more over the dorsal area but not sure. (Indicates maybe Brook or Oodinium)

Wounds and areas of blotchiness have been noted that are opaque in color (again Brook or Oodinium but could be discoloration from Ich)

The wrass is flashing on rocks which could cause the discoloration or wounds.

Fish breathing is normal and appitite is fine.

I know they brought in a fish about two weeks ago with Ich so it seems like the likely culprit here but the blotches and the cloudy eyes are not as common for the illness. Then again, if it was Oodinium, we will know soon enough since this came on if full force yesterday. (They will die off pretty soon!)

I am recommending a FW dip and of course hypo. The problem is the Puffer can not be FW dipped and I am not sure if he can undergo hypo. You know I do not like copper and these fish are not my cup of tea so I do not know how they stand up to it. (Other then the angel who can not under go copper treatment). Loren has M. Green which can be used but formalin dips might be a better course of treatment.

What are your thoughts?!?

Kinda hard to say without pics, but I am leaning towrads brook. Could possibly be Oodinium, but like you said, I would expetced more severe symptomatic behaviors if it were. You can try a formalin dip, which should be reasonably effective, provided the fish is still strong. If it was seen on the puffer first, I am more strongly leading towrads brook puffers seem to get nailed with it as much as clowns in my experience.
Ya I would expect to see more symptoms too if it was Oodinium plus the fact that death pretty quickly is a major symptom! :(

Ya it is hard to tell without pics I agree. I think we will treat as if it was Brook too. I know they have Ich introduced but the sysmtoms appear to be more Brook. Good thing is the treatment is fairly the same and I have been meaning to write a primer on Brook.

I am not experienced in using formalin as much as a few other methods but I think it would be a better choice the M. Green. Off the top of my head I think the dip schedule for a Formalin dip is once every five days for about three dips, is that correct? I know the dose for a formalin dip is 1 ML of formalin to every gallon of water (salt or fresh) and a bath of about 20 min. Only do one fish at a time... You need to put a airstone in the dip water for sure. All the fish (puffer and Angel) are realativly safe for Formalin. (Or as safe as can be because it is nasty stuff...

Ok Linda and loren, there is your answer. I think we both agree but you do have to do something. So if the fish are already in QT, you are going to want to dip them. I suggest if they are in QT that you move them for the meantime to a few holding buckets, clean the QT and reset it back up and dip the fish to put into the QT, this way you are insuring that you have killed most of the junk before it hits your QT and grabs a foothold.
Other than the puffer (still alive) and the clown trigger (r.i.p.), none of the other fish in Loren's tank have physical symptoms. We saw the lunare wrasse flipping (scraping?) against rocks, but he wasn't doing it excessively and hasn't done it this evening. The potters angel is reclusive (but has been since day #1).

They're all still eating like piggies.
Still need to QT all. Just because a fish does not show signs as readilly as another, it still is infected if it is a parasite.