Onlyreefers WB Marine X 110 build


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Hamilton, Ga
Getting back into the hobby after a 4 year break. Ready to get a mixed reef back again! The wife is eager to take over an run an instagram account for the tank so we’ll see how that goes.

Simple Build
Waterbox Marine X 110.4
Lights: Noopsyche V3s
Skimmer: Simplicity 120DC
Pump: Jebao #
Heater: 2 Eheim and a fluval
Tunze ATO
RODI/Brute with wheels

Made my attempt of a control panel, with a fan built into the side. Both Ikea cabinets. Left has general supplies. Right is all the controls.




Oh Yeah Dancing GIF
Cycle completed. Would have liked more rock (tank is taller than my math and aquascaping with superglue and putty is quite difficult), but hoping corals will fill in the empty spaces and want to give the fish lot’s of space.

Got this ottoman and it fits a 20g long. I’m going to get a lid, install a fan, and place push connects and let this be the auto top off. Might move some things around to hide the tube, but yea, then I won’t have to top off for quite some time.


What do you have in left drawer? I don’t think you need to have a fan if you are just storing rodi for topoffs?
What do you have in left drawer? I don’t think you need to have a fan if you are just storing rodi for topoffs?
Left drawer cabinet has testing, food, chemicals, tools, ppe, cleaning, misc stuff. I say a fan because it’s fabric inside that ottoman and mixing high humidity and fabric can lead to mold. Wouldn’t want to have to spray chemicals to clean up mold near the water, more of a proactive approach, just a thought.
Left drawer cabinet has testing, food, chemicals, tools, ppe, cleaning, misc stuff. I say a fan because it’s fabric inside that ottoman and mixing high humidity and fabric can lead to mold. Wouldn’t want to have to spray chemicals to clean up mold near the water, more of a proactive approach, just a thought.
I’m no mold expert though, so..
So I removed the ATO baffle from the sump, not the return has room for me to run a seperate pump for a UV and reactors, for a closed loop below. Plus, the return chamber is just too small for the sump that comes with it, causing microbubbles.

It was not a fun experience and I’m suprised I didn’t slice my hand open or break the sump..

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The new torches are doing well after I accidentally melted the first ones with a bad salinity refractometer.. that was a rough loss..

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