ORA Corals


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I like ORA corals and they are usually very hardy but think ORA as a company sucks. They should give credit were credit is do. I like that they aquaculture corals for the hobby but think the taking credit for a coral is BS.

Their new coral release is not really their own discovery but really a Tubs coral that has been around for years.

Her is a pic of the ORA

Here is the Tubs which I have and got from Doug who got it from the link. It has been around for many years. I guess I think it is BS not to give credit to who found and grew the original coral. They just try to play it off as if they discovered it. Doug has had this coral for years. Tubs has not even been the hobby for at least 2.5 years.


What do you guys think about ORA doing this?

So how much for a frag of that? It's pretty sweet looking!

And yes, I think it's BS, but as they say "What's in a name?"
Yea I am not saying they are copy rights just acknowledgement of were the original came from. If nothing else it's bragging rights.:)

I am sure the price is on the first link.

Joe, the same goes for any "named" coral out there. You can substitute any coral farms name in either of the refernced ones. Coral naming is a scam established to make more money. There is no way to prove, validate, or "lineage" corals, despite what fanciers say.

Obviously, this is a little pet peeve with me.
its a coral, not a persons genetic creation, it belongs to no one. Naming is all marketing, so I personally dont like any company that plops a name on something and charges 10 times the price.
Wow I guess I am alone.

ORA can & should keep the original name they did with the Oregon Tort, Cali Tort, Etc...

I never said Tubs owned the coral in fact I said this is not a copy right issue it a respect issue to me.I respect people who find really nice corals keep them grow them out and pass them along to others. To me it takes more talent to find really nice unusual corals then to go buy someone else.

Plus I think it shows respect to the original owner of the coral.

As for the species name one of them has it right & one has it wrong because they are calling two different things.

I have no problem with naming corals but do think the species type should follow it. I think it makes it easier to identify a specific coral. How else can I say I want amore of gods palys?

I want some of those really bright orangey looking palys. LOL

I just like to refer to them as "the pretty ones".

FWIW I get where you are coming from. The reality is as long as ORA and other coral farm practices can sell corals with cool names they will keep doing. People buy ORA stuff because, like you said, its hardy. BUT, I would have a bit more respect for them if the at least acknowledged the origin of what they are selling. As Jeremy said, we never really</em> know the lineage of our corals unless, of course, we harvested them ourselves from the ocean. :)
Not to single Jeremy out on purpose here. Most of us know Jeremy has an awesome efflo table that he is nice enough to sell to us locals every so often. What if I got a piece grew it out for a while then named it Joe's blue plate special efflo and started selling it. I imagen I would be Flamed like no other.

To me that is wrong. This is what ORA is doing. All they have to do is call it ORA Tubs whatever.

Jeremy next time you frag that thing let me know.:)

Joe- you got it.

Heres is my issue with company branding of corals- there is no empirical determination of whats is what. There is no "S" on the bottom of an official Superman Monti, Purple Monster does not come with a pedigree, and if I want a pink lemonade, I have to trust the seller that it is what is claimed. There is no empirical morphological diffence.

To answer the question "How do I get Armor of Gods palys?", you go, and buy the ones that look like you want. Plain and simple. Otherwise, there is no way to get them for sure. I can tell you I have them, but you will have to take my word. That is it. I can show you a picture, and if you like, you buy. But proclaiming them a stupid name does not do this.

IMO, naming corals has EVERYTHING to do with your original complaint. ORA took a coral, which was previous named by someone else. Is it the same coral? From the same mother colony? Or, is it a "fake"? If so, what is a "fake"? Why does Tubs get to determine what it is? Especially if the determining factor is not morphological or taxonomic, but a persons personal interpretation?

Im not foolish enough to say that this is going to change anytime soon. But, in all reality, there is NO purpose to coral naming, other than to exaggeratedly inflate the price of the coral.
Jeremy I know you are very passionate about that issue and have see you debate it with others on RC but can't remember what you would suggest to correct it or improve it.

I see were your coming from but see know way to fix it. I know you like nice fish and corals sometimes the only way to find a specific coral is to give it a name. Yes it is abused and used to increase profit but that will not change no matter what you do crooks will be crook and find a way around what ever barriers you put in there way..

I know that the pink lemonade acro is an example to me. It is priced very high but now that I have one I think it was worth the money. If we did not name corals I doubt I would have ever had a chance to get it. Jose on the west cost had the coral shared pictures of it and sold some frags of it. Since that time the coral has been passed threw out the hobby and I got my piece from G. Carroll another well know sps guy. Do I have papers to prove it No, but this coral is so unique it hard to find one even close to it.

What I am getting at is I would not have known to look for the frag at MACNA and most likely would have never purchased it based on looks because their was not much to look at as it was so small. LOL It is still only a 3/4 to 1" tall. Did I buy this coral because it had a name? No I bought it because I had seen enough pictures of it that I knew it was something really nice and unique. If you can't tell that the coral your buying is the original then don't buy it.

I do wish it would have been cheaper because I would have bought it alot sooner but if I had to I would pay for it again. I think I paid $75 for 1/2". Usually I would not buy a frag if it's that small but I really wanted this one.

Long story short I like really unique looking sps like you like rare fish. If I have to put up with named corals to find beauties like this then I will.

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Stacy you better watch it I will come over there and break me off a piece of that blue plat special.:D


stacy22;337598 wrote: I have a Joe's Blue Plate special. I got it from Jeremy. :D
The first frag I ever get from it will be hand delivered to you personally by me. :D
Hasn't the same thing happened to ORA? Isn't the GARF bonsai the same as the ORA purple with green polyps? I'm pretty sure the ORA coral was around first.
MvM;337745 wrote: Hasn't the same thing happened to ORA? Isn't the GARF bonsai the same as the ORA purple with green polyps? I'm pretty sure the ORA coral was around first.

Well I am not sure on that one the Garf I have is different then the purple & green I have.

I did read that alot of people were saying their last release was just the same as some other monti I am just not monti guy. At lest not plating ones they take up too much room.

Great thread! Thanks for the read. I, uh, have nothing to offer, because I personally couldn't care less what a coral is named for. I do really like ora, because they are hardy, though. But, I prefer whatever Joe has in his tank any day! They are more beautiful, and just as hardy.
ORA is not afraid to buy LE corals from others, rename them, and then copyright the name. go talk to a guy with the screen name "propagator" over on nano-reef.com about it--you'll get an ear full (or eye full, as it may be lol).

but they sure do have pretty and healthy corals.
MvM;337794 wrote: Do I hear Joe's LE corals being released?

I wish then maybe I could afford more of the LE. If you think the pink lemonade is nice you should see the Ice & Fire echinata. OOO That one has been on my list for while. I know of a local who has one that you will see pic's of soon.

Ralph your to funny.

sailfish;337813 wrote: you should see the Ice & Fire echinata. OOO That one has been on my list for while
I've got one. They are SWEET!