Orchid Dottyback About to Burst!


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I've had two orchid dottybacks for more than a year - and never had any idea what their sex was. Today, I noticed that one has a BIG belly, and am assuming she's about to spawn. I guess there's nothing much I can do at this point...right? I'd imagine it takes much experience and preparation to try to raise the young. Is this correct?


You might contact BOBZ. He is breeding/preparing to breed several species, and I think dottybacks may be one of them. It may be too late to prepare for this batch, but maybe the next one, or maybe he can collect the hatchlings?
Matt Wittenrich's book has a ton of detail about spawning and raising Pseudochromis species. I have a pair in a breeding tank but they have not yet spawned. Once they start spawning, you can probably expect them to keep it up every 7 to 10 days according to Matt. The challenge is getting them past metamorphsis and keeping them fed. You'll need rotifers and green water would help for the first 9 days, then newly hatched Artemia. If you want to borrow my copy, let me know! Ialso have some phyto and rotifers going if you want any.
By the way, according to Matt's book, any two sexually immature juveniles will ultimately form a male-female pair through female to male sex change. (Unless they kill each other first... my comment!)