Yeah- the air dryer must be exhausting fast because of the humidity. It probably doesn't help that the humidity in my fish room in the basement is quite high. I'm sure it's more efficient with the dryer, but after you put those beads in the oven once or twice, try to refill the tube, and then have silica beads going everywhere, you'll quickly see why not many people run them....
re/ extension - I made an extension to the main 6" diameter body of the skimmer, so that the skimmer is (or will soon be- this is a change in progress) 6 feet tall with two becketts. For what it's worth, I had a 6 inch extension on it for the past year with ozone and no problems. I can only guess that with more surface and bubble interaction, more ozone gets blown off, and I would guess the same with your setup.
I don't have any recent pictures because I'm transitioning from large pumps and a 100g horse-trough sump to smaller main pump and a 120g acrylic sump; it's almost done (hopefully by this weekend), so I can take pictures then.
You're welcome to come and view things in person, though, if you want to check out what works for me.
One more thing to note - it's easy to see the difference in ozone use when you empty out tank water in a white salt bucket. If I don't run ozone for a week (as was the case when I swapped out my sumps) vs. running ozone, there's a very clear (pun intended) difference between the water in both...