pink sock

I duno cuz, that Chinese Dragon Donkyosa Sp. is a pretty gangsta coral IMO.
There isn't much in your tank that can beat it. If you need help clamping your mouth shut Chris, I can lend you my 10'' clam free of charge. Let me know!

BTW, I didn't dump a bottle of purple up, I dumped a bottle of complex calcium gluconate into my tank...which lowered by nitrate 90%-Only if you know what that is man!
spraying70 i am getting sick of you bashing me. LE is the only way to go!!! I noticed that you dont have any ZENIA, SHROOMS, OR EVEN GREEN ZOAS!!! All you have is superman crap that no one cares about!!!! yOU cant even afford sand for your aquarium. actually i have some play sand i can give you - but only after i stuff it down YOUR THROAT!!!
you havnt had wings until you have been to the anchor bar, the birth place of the wing.
Andy, when are we going to get $hit faced with the south side reefers?? I think sunday night is good for everyone.

Photokid, ima have to hit your face with the raft paddle again, lol. The best wings are in my restaurant, period.
Well as far as my corals go. I by them with a buddy so they don't cost as much. Also BTW my favorite is a free Sun Coral. But you actually need to care for corals before you take one of these babbies on. Or will it be another coral I have to rescue that you almost kill!

PS. I do have a blue ric. But it is in QT. So you wouldn't have seen it in my blog pics. Man Qt is they way to go. You walking STD!
thats it sprayin70 im telling on you. this slander has gone to far - And for ouiling - go eat some cream of sum young guy!!! Ive had it, my water and equipment automatically QT's corals, how many times do i have to tell YOU!!!!!
Because of this thread we all could get sued and end up in jail for the rest of our lives!!!!! IM TELLING!!!
Umm,. ok,. anyone wanna talk about something ,. errr well,. something that might be productive to our hobby? How about lets discuss whether or not we should bother with "farmed" species for our tanks. or prehaps whether we should bother with none captive bread species? Oh yeah sorry to jack your post,. LOL
Psh... Live 12 years in communist china, and the two good things i've learned is Dim Mak and Win Chun, bring it women!
Hey since when does spelling have anything to do with good husbandry. I needed to defend myself so I got hasty. When Chris learns to Qt corals and keep them in there proper biotope then I will get off his bottom. Ouling git them us BB need to stick together!
Piznac - i am like everyone else - i will buy the cheaper of the 2 and so will you
sprayin70 toilets dont count as a QT tank , you dont even have any flow!!!!!!!
After a long conversation with several LFS owners. I have to agree with the walking STD. 99% of people will buy the less expensive wild coral if given the choice between the 2.
piznac......cmon dont lie to yourself ... lets say you want to buy a head of fragspawn. One that is caught from the ocean is $30 and one cultured costs $60.. Both exactly the same. Which one are you gonna buy ??? Be honest jizznac!