Please Id and Solution


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duluth, ga
Hello, I just move from old tank to new tank with mostly old live stock. Please let me know what is this and how I can get rid of it. Thanks for your input.


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Most likely a diatom from moving into new tank and having little cycle.

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If it were my tank, I would assume it's diatoms and treat by water changes and time. I sometimes agitate the sandbed surface if it starts really looking bad. This has occurred every time I've set up a new system or swapped tanks. Even if everything I add to the new tank is mature, it still seems to cause a little mini cycle with all of the wonderful new tank uglies.
Thank you the inputs, just worry a little bit cause seem out of hand, but I guess it’s just time. Do you think it’s better if I keep clean them out (and they came back same day) or just let it take it course. Thank you.
Diatom is most prone single cell that is in the earth environment and surrounding from my understanding. Which is in our reef tank as well of course and is very first sign of real life being formed in the tank. You just seeing overload (Likely the silicate in your water) at the moment due to imbalance of your chemistry from changing the tank.

You can manually move it but it will keep coming back until your tank water depleted of silicate. There are products that removes silicates from your water if you want to go that route. You can also syphon/blow it into filters and remove them manually if you like but it has minimal impact in the process I’d naturally letting run it’s course. It also smells sour when I checked last time -.-

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