popping from tank


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set up a bio cube at my g/fs house....the tank was set up at my house with 10 pounds of live rock and a live sand bed. It was set up as a little QT tank at my house for about 7 months i moved it over to her house added about 10 more pounds of live rock and some zoas and frogspawn everything is doing great. I put 2 clowns in there they are doing fine. Now her and her room mate say about 1 time an hour they hear a popping noise coming from the tank.

what is it?
Probably the clowns? I'd read that they can make popping noises sometimes audible from outside of the tank in the Conscientious Aquarist.. This article has a sound clip..

thewarbrd;210949 wrote: Probably the clowns? I'd read that they can make popping noises sometimes audible from outside of the tank in the Conscientious Aquarist.. This article has a sound clip..


Wow ~ I had no idea! Thanks for sharing that article.

Where did you get the extra 10# of LR? Just to be on the safe side, I'd consider isolating the clowns until the mantis possibility is completely eliminated, otherwise you risk the clowns becoming a meal.
It could also be a pistol shrimp. I tore my tank apart once looking for a mantis that wasn't there---found some small (3/4") pistol shrimp that were making the noise. If it's a single pop, it's probably a pistol shrimp, if it's multiple taps, more likely to be a mantis as he chisels a hole in the rock.
Do you have a heater in the tank? They will make an audible noise as well and if you are hearing it consistantly then I would look for something mechanical/electrical.
I do not have anywhere to isolate the clowns to, the extra rock came from the 2.99 tubs from cap bay. What should I do to get to the bottom of this? Any trap to get a mantis shrimp they way they describe the noise is a single popping...
jaydm93teg;210965 wrote: I do not have anywhere to isolate the clowns to, the extra rock came from the 2.99 tubs from cap bay. What should I do to get to the bottom of this? Any trap to get a mantis shrimp they way they describe the noise is a single popping...

You could try a trap and see what happens. Also, you could float a colander in the tank for the clowns.

so tonight i get home adn one of my new clowns tail is chopped off....it is laying on the sand bed and cant swim....is there anything i can do for it?? would this be from the mantis shrimp?? what can i do to save my other clown from becoming a meal?? how can i catch this thing??
I would think that if a Mantis wounded the fish he would have taken it back to it's den and eaten it. Sorry no help here.
the fish is now dead....the back tail was chopped off and the top find looked like a chunk was taken out of it...i foudn it under the rock with 3 or 4 hermits on top of it....the popping is still coming from the tank. I am staying here at her house tonight waiting to hear it......is there anything i can do to try and draw this thing out?
jaydm93teg;211189 wrote: is there anything i can do to try and draw this thing out?
Tearing down the tank is the only way to grab it before it munches another fish.
I took EVERYTHING out of the tank including the fish earlier today when i noticed he was badly injured.. I left the live rock out of the tank for almost an hour and i did not see a shrimp anywhere.. I am guessing its hinding in the rocks.. do i let everything die off the rocks to kill it if hes hiding???
Linda Lee;210953 wrote: Just to be on the safe side, I'd consider isolating the clowns until the mantis possibility is completely eliminated, otherwise you risk the clowns becoming a meal.

This is heartbreaking.

I want to say something else, but I won't.

Linda Lee;211194 wrote: This is heartbreaking.

I want to say something else, but I won't.


yeah yeah i know i told you so. (thats what im guessing your talking about)

i made the original post this morning from work...didnt get back here from school until about 9 o'clock.

She got back from school around 5 and that is when she noticed he was hurt (she made the last post about pulling the stuff out of the tank). Trust me linda i didnt ignore your original advice i was just not home in time to put it into effect.
so here we are tonight with a dead clown and one that looks fine. Nobody has heard popping from the tank since all of the LR was taken out earlier tonight about 5 o'clock. Would the shrimp die if he was sitting out of water for an hour?
Yeah it really sounds too me like a pistol shrimp. I had one in my 46 gallon bow front. I knew around about where it was because I would see sand in a mound in front of the rock work in certain areas. I would watch it at night with a red flash light and I could see his antennas. I tore it down and transfered everything too my 55 at the time. Found him he was about an inch. I had a cleaner shrimp and a potters angel disapear before I found out what it was. Im not sure if thats what killed them or not but after I got him out of the tank, i never had a disapearing fish or shrimp.
jaydm93teg;211196 wrote: so here we are tonight with a dead clown and one that looks fine. Nobody has heard popping from the tank since all of the LR was taken out earlier tonight about 5 o'clock. Would the shrimp die if he was sitting out of water for an hour?
More then likely, but so is all the good bacteria in the rock now.:sad:
thats ok if the bacteria is gone i can change out a few pieces of rock from my 80 gallon from my house i just want to make sure we have the problem taken care of in this tank before we continue to add to it.