My initial post seemed to come off harsh and some people felt I was accusing them of price gouging. I admit I was having a bad day yesterday and probably didn’t think my post through fully. To be clear I’m not accusing everyone on here of price gouging, just giving my opinion that some corals seem inflated above what is a fair price and I feel we should all be trying to give each other breaks for the fun of the hobby. I have given members here a break on things I’ve sold myself. Now I know I don’t have to buy the corals and I’m not saying everything on here is inflated, just some corals. I have gotten some good deals on equipment and a couple corals on here that I bought as they were priced well. I’ve sold a couple things at very reasonable prices too. It’s still a good place for buying and selling and there are a lot of good people on here. Anyway, enough said, I’ll get on with it and get over the price increases of everything in life I’m sure!. My bad for sounding accusatory.
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