PSK-75H skimmer start up


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Cumming, GA
I have been stressing all night to get my Eshopp PSK-75H working properly. I have gotten it to work this the air intake tied in a knot but when I untie it the skimmer starts to act like there is air in the lines and stops draining.
when you say it stops draining, do you mean it overflows? Pictures will help too
I tried to up load a video not it does not overflow it the water level lowers and just starts acting like the lines loose their prime.

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ok so this is a HOB skimmer. I don't see a reason to tie any knots in any lines. The clear tubing should be clear of water. That line is the one that draws air into the skimmer. If you shut that line off it will just fill with water. If you can't do a video just do a pic of what is going on with your phone or something

Here is a short video and a picture.//

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Here's my input on eshopps skimmers .

I have the nano on my 29gallon . Took me a month to get it working and dialed in then a couple more months to get it to really skimming good.

. First , Is the pump adjustable? This will let you adjust the flow going in to the bubble chamber.

Second , is the height on the skimmer adjustable? this will let you fine tune the top of the water level in the chamber .

Third I recommend getting a small inline adjustment valve to go in your airline. This will let you fine tune your air to water mixture and get the fine mist you want .

Also new skimmers are just that ,new. They need break in time . They need to build up a coating of nasty inside . This keeps the bubbles from just popping when the hit the plastic and let's the skimming action work .

Let's see if we can get ya going
What happens if you give a good puff through the airline to feeds the pump

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I agree that new skimmers have to break in, ur something else is going on here. I don’t think the pump is working correctly. It shouldn’t pump up and down like that in the bubble tube.

Is there an adjustment valve of some kind ?

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Here is one functioning correctly

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So I figured out that when I added the longer piece of PVC pipe the the pump in let it was sucking air so I have it curing with silicon currently.

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