PTreef’s 610g build

Update: added some new fish in the last month or so and all seem to be doing great. Ended up finally installing my chiller due to problems with high temperatures from the summer heat. Now temp is pretty stable right at 79 degrees. I upgraded all my lights to the photon V2+ controller, which was pretty simple and painless.

current stock list:

blonde Naso
Orange shoulder
Desjardini sailfin
2x yellow tangs
Powder blue
Yellow eye Kole

2x domino damsels
1 clown
2x bangaii cardinal
2x pajama cardinal

Zebra dartfish
Bicolor Benny
Cleaner wrasse
Six line Wrasse
Red head Solon wrasse
Yellow coris wrasse
melanaurus wrasse
Ornate wrasse

red tail trigger

Frag tank:

yellow tang
Pair of Wyoming white clowns
Cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Blue eye Kole CF4FE3CA-01F8-4F35-A836-6C00731CA8F4.jpegCC31BC98-42F7-4A6B-B71B-447FCF923779.jpeg
Wow - beautiful! I am also very jealous of the cleanliness and algae-free-ness : )

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here’s some updated tank pics for the main display. Not much has changed. I did lose a couple small fish, possibly due to aggression from the large domino damsel. I would really like to get rid of them haha

Overall the tank has been on autopilot. As per my other thread, I’m still working on my phosphates, though I’m not too worried since 98% of the corals are growing well. Not really any fish additions for a long time, but I have transferred over a couple frags from the garage frag tank while I’m trying to take it offline.

Pictures taken with my iPhone 7, with 14k (I think) orphek filter


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Here’s a shot of my sump room/closet. It’s a shared 125g sump that feeds the main display as well as the garage frag tank. Main sources of filtration include a large bubble king skimmer and algae scrubber.


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is that the icecap algae scrubber? how do you like it?
It is! It’s the largest one they make, I’d say it definitely grows algae but it’s not enough for my big system. It’s not the easiest to disassemble and clean, mostly to pull the pvc pipe apart and then make sure I have the opening lined up well enough to have the water flow down the grid
As I’m trying to take my frag tank offline, I’ve moved some frags/colonies over to the display. I can never get good pics of the tank


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I love them, no issues with them whatsoever but I don’t have any clams. 90% Sps with a few euphylia colonies and zoas but I’ve never seen them nip on anything
Took one frag tank down so I no longer have to deal with the heat of the garage, but now this tank is extra full with frags


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Here’s a shot of my sump room/closet. It’s a shared 125g sump that feeds the main display as well as the garage frag tank. Main sources of filtration include a large bubble king skimmer and algae scrubber.
I always find it so funny to see your sump room with that big mama jama tank. You are killing it my friend! Shows everyone, you don't need a dedicated room to own a big tank. I can't keep looking at your tank, it makes me miss my 800 too much, once the 525 is full and no room for corals to grow, I am going to have to go big again, you have inspired me.
I always find it so funny to see your sump room with that big mama jama tank. You are killing it my friend! Shows everyone, you don't need a dedicated room to own a big tank. I can't keep looking at your tank, it makes me miss my 800 too much, once the 525 is full and no room for corals to grow, I am going to have to go big again, you have inspired me.
Thanks! I’d say my filtration and equipment is pretty minimal/basic. I actually need to see about getting replacement bulbs for the algae scrubber, two went out on me recently so it’s only even operating at 50%
Thanks! I’d say my filtration and equipment is pretty minimal/basic. I actually need to see about getting replacement bulbs for the algae scrubber, two went out on me recently so it’s only even operating at 50%
Send me some pics of your ATS. I rebuilt my lights using stars from Steve's LED and Meanwell drivers from Mouser. I also built some monster lights for @Dmitri
Thanks! I’d say my filtration and equipment is pretty minimal/basic. I actually need to see about getting replacement bulbs for the algae scrubber, two went out on me recently so it’s only even operating at 50%
shoot me a PM!
I’ve been feeling the urge to buy some new corals lately, which honestly is pretty difficult with the 36” depth of the tank


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