Public Service Announcement


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If you should happen to hear any screaming, wailing or loud gnashing of teeth in the Lawrenceville area this week, please do not be alarmed.

It's just me aquascaping the new tank.

I despise aquascaping with a passion!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
:yes: My wife knows that when I'm rearranging the rock just to leave. She's tired of being yelled at i guess:sick:
I can't get mine the way I like it. Still looks like a random pile of rocks to me.

Yet everyone elses are so terrific.

I'm suffering from *Aquascape Envy*

I do feel your pain....

or actually, soon to be aching back.

There definitely seems to be an art to it, and either you have the touch or you don't. Count me in with the "don'ts".
I feel your pain... I think I am going to finally set up my 40 gal this weekend so there is sure to be some cursing around Lawrenceville, if not from you, then from me!
I'm cursing right now trying to aquascape the new 37.....but its so cloudy i cant see where i place the rocks....and then when it settles i put a new rock in and it clouds it up again./.......AHHHHHH!!!
LOL... Quit stirring up the sand bed!!! Gosh, rookie!!!

I can not wait to see that tank though!
We got one up here in Gwinnett... I turn to Doug, Scott, Jorge, and a few other reefers who live up the street when I need to vent..
lol.....i dont need a support group.....but when ever you all feel im due for an intervention...i think i might go for that
LOL, Dude I think you are about ready... Anyone who makes their newlywed wife ride MARTA from the airport so he can pick her up from across the street from Fishy Business it due for an intervention!!!! ;)
Wow ~ ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a knack for this... and all YOU guys are pros!!!

Hmmm... I have some friends who are landscape architects. Maybe they can help.

('cept they'd probably be saying "put a row of leland cypress there... and a nice loblolly pine in the back ... and a bed of encore azaleas around the base of the big rock...")

arghh... this is frustratin'

I'm about to just put all the rock around the edges and sink a big hamster habitrail in the middle of the tank.
If there is anything you need an extra set of hands for let me know.
LOL, I know what you mean. I moved two rocks last night. Two! Now everything's screwed up.
yeah I'm going thu this as well with my 55, I think I'm gonna get dirty this weekend or next and make some base rock, this way its exactly how I want it and wont have to worry about stacking pieces and blah blah blah. Jorge, what do ya say to making this stuff?
I am never completely happy with mine even though I call it complete every other day. Some things I suppose are never done.
Lee...I would definitely be in for making some live rock....and about the workshop thing....well....thats lee's call since I would be learning helping.....if you took a workshop from me your rock might look like the hamster set up idea earlier stated....which by the way is awesome...LOL...kind of reminds me of this....

Xyzpdq0121;52966 wrote: LOL, Dude I think you are about ready... Anyone who makes their newlywed wife ride MARTA from the airport so he can pick her up from across the street from Fishy Business it due for an intervention!!!! ;)

Im suprised your still alive and she didnt beat you up in the middle of the shop. You are an addcit. My fiance nearly slapped me last time I mentioned it and I work here!