Public Service Announcement

FishyBusiness;53044 wrote: Im suprised your still alive and she didnt beat you up in the middle of the shop. You are an addcit. My fiance nearly slapped me last time I mentioned it and I work here!
Nancy (my GF) would just shoot me... you have a good woman if she put up with that.
Xyzpdq0121;52952 wrote: I think I am going to finally set up my 40 gal this weekend so there is sure to be some cursing around Lawrenceville, if not from you, then from me!

I won't believe it until it is all done! I think I have heard this before, LOL:fish:
lol.....ok....truth is... she took the marta because I had a tennis match I had to complete by that morning.....not all because of fish....haha.....of course i threw in the fishy business plug when I picked her up and I said...."yeah....for your sea horses (she is the one that egged me on to do sea horses)........"

ok so it might have been some where in my ulterior motive section of the brain.......I took her out to a nice lunch....does that off set what I did?

I maintain that there is some genius in my ways.....
Agreed never going to happen. I have been hearing about that 40 for quite a while now.
and yes...I have a great gal......she puts up with a lot of my things...not just fish.......she puts up with my hockey, tennis, fish, friends (and yes, she puts up with my friends (lee), and she always does it with a smile.......but hey at least I cook and clean the house for her......
ha youre such the chick in that relationship! So yeah we could do a rock making day I guess, I cant really say that cuz for sure it'll be over jorges place and I'm not going to invite people over to his place w/o asking, soooo anyone who wants to come, feel free :p LOL. Anyways, who knows, I've never done it befor but I've done pleanty of reading....cant be that hard. Sounds like a good time while getting dirty and dirnking lots of beers!
oh and dude, you act like she has to put up with me....she loves me more than you! lol.
lol.....she does love you....haha.....but mostly cuz of your guac and queso....heck though....thats pretty good reason......

and yes, when we do a rock making day......whoever wants to come is invited....
Just keep your hands and arms wet the entire time. I can't tell you how many people don't know that when they start working with cement or cement like substances and get burned.
I got some rock in the tank.

Looks pretty........bad.

My girlfriend actually invited herself over Thursday and Friday, the two days I intended to devote entirely to finishing the aquascaping. What could I say?

We can't even agree on the spacing for planting petunias in her yard without a half hour debate. Here's a brief excerpt of how my next two days will go:

I'll have my orange and blue, space gloves on; my hair hanging in my eyes; my feet wet from dripping saltwater; and oh yeah, nature will start calling the minute I put my hands into the tank.

She'll be sitting on the couch repeating the following in a closed loop:

"Try moving that bottom rock a bit to the left. No. Back a bit to the right. Just a little more...more....more.... Perfect! Now try turning it so it points to the front just a little bit more..."

"I think that rock on the top would look so much better on the bottom. Don't you think so?"

"Is this hobby too stressful for you? Maybe you should try gardening."

Serenity NOW!
This is a cool idea... anyone do this in their aquascape?

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Link is here ... lots of other stuff on this page

Linda, I've seen that done in a couple of pictures. If done right it can look very nice, almost like the rocks are floating above the sand.

I've always wanted to drill the underside of the base rocks and epoxy threaded nylon bolts to hold the rocks up off the sand.

I might give it a try on this one.
Ask Jinny! He has a simarlar system set up. Think his were made out of acrylic. Cool look!
i did something like that a long time ago in a FW tank and I loved the look of could place smaller rocks to hide the PVC....I also painted them black to really hide them well.....It was a really cool looking little cave....