puzzle I cannot solve


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<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">OK, so I have a puzzle that I cannot solve for the life of me and am hoping for some help from the experts. I have a 25 gallon AIO that will not keep fish. coral is growing like weeds but fist will die almost as quick as I put them in. So here is the story any help will be greatly appreciated because I am about to tear it down and try again....</span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;"> </span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Tank has been set up for 4 months now. when it was cycling i had a bad bacteria bloom. Added a skimmer and a power head aimed at top of water and it cleared up. it has about an inch sand bed and 35-40Lbs of rock. a skimmer matrix and a mangrove in the filtration chamber. turning over about 75 gal/hour on my return pump. coral include blastos ,zoas, sponge, leathers, and gorgonians. cuc include aprox 100 snails. the first fish lasted 2 weeks then disappeared...I wrote it of to a fish that never was super healthy so i figured it just lost the fight. second fish lasted a day then was found dead..waited 3 weeks and added a tail spot blenny...after 3 hours it looked like it was minutes from death so i just threw him in my other tank and within 15 minutes he was looking happy and eating. so I am lost...my coral is growing faster than any other tank that I have. tests have always come out almost perfect. I tested it this morning and this is what it read: PH-8.0 amonia-0,nitrates-0, nitrites-0 temp.77.2. salinity-1.023. I tested all my tanks so i feel confident my tests are accurate. does any have any ideas? </span></span>
Got to be a residue of something in the tank. If possible I would break it down and soak everything in a deluged vinegar bath.
Maybe it isn't your tank. It could be that the fish are already sick when you get them. Try quarantining your next fish purchase then add it to the tank.

Also, what fish have you attempted in this tank?
are you certain on that ammonia test? it is the number 1 killer.
I would do a large water change, and add a damsel to see what happens.
perhaps add some good bacteria.
I would try filling your QT/holding tank with water drawn from your main tank, run an airstone & heater and see if the prospective fish exhibits the same reaction when you acclimate it & keep it out of your main display for 12 hours or so.

If it does, there's something wrong with your water. If it seems OK there, then acclimate it to your main tank and see.

As you say, it's a puzzle - I'd expect corals to have issues before a fish would.
SOORY GUYS BEEN CRAZY AT WORK thanks for all the suggestions but.....al fish came from diffrent suppliers, so i dont think the fish are the issue. amonnia test is solid i tested three tanks and a cup of water with a dead shrimp. and temp is messured by a corilife temp probe and an apex so i am soooo lost. I am not a noobe but no expert eaither. I am completly lost. I started doing twice a week w/c after i lost the first week. There has to be something in there we dont test for. a toxin or something. I am with you Rich, I think this tank needs a complete break down and bath.haha but that is sad as well my Candy Apple Reds have gone from 1 polyop to 5 in a month in this tank! I would just let coral grow in there but its "the Wifes tank" and she reminds my every day its "not a fish tank without fish!"
grouper therapy;994129 wrote: If the first fish lasted 2 week I don't think its' death is related to the others.
I agree. But just another peice i Just remembered. I have 3 tanks, I use same water source and red sea coral pro salt bucket for all tanks.
I didnt want this to be an easy problem...Thats why I didnt post after my first two deaths i wanted to rule out everything I knew how
zoas, gorgonias, sponge, star poloyps, blastos acans...and a chalice...all doing well...

The tank is in my room so no popping at night, but curious now what would a popping mean? are you thinking mantis shrimp or pistol? because every fish in there has been found dead with no physical damage. I know i am not making this easy.haha thank you for all the help
grouper therapy;994158 wrote: Do you hear any popping at night?

I know where your going with this. May be? But wouldn't there be visible wounds on the dead fish?
Did you buy the tank new or used? If the latter, maybe someone used copper in the tank previously. Just my .02 cents.
bcrueter;994159 wrote: zoas, gorgonias, sponge, star poloyps, blastos acans...and a chalice...all doing well...

The tank is in my room so no popping at night, but curious now what would a popping mean? are you thinking mantis shrimp or pistol? because every fish in there has been found dead with no physical damage. I know i am not making this easy.haha thank you for all the help
Just trying to think what might impact fish but not corals. Didn't you say the first fish disappeared?
Any copper residue or such would most definitely affect the corals/invertebrates before the the fish.
well my idea was soft corals like dirty water, fish don't but he's got others so I dought that's the case