Question about frogspawn


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My frogspawn was looking healthy, growing, etc. Then overnight, all tentacles disappeared and only the "core" (don't know the proper terminology) remained. It has been that way for two days now. Could this be a normal, temporary situation, or can frogspawn just up and die like that? I've had a recent problem with a suspected parasite infection that killed all but two of my fish (so far). My nitrates are high (about 20), I believe due to all the recent fish deaths. All other parameters are normal. Crabs, snails, xenia, ricordea, shrimp all appear healthy. This hobby is more fun when things aren't dying!:confused2:
NO3 is kinda high.
Is there any fleshy tissue left still attached to the skeleton? If so, it might just be retracted, if its gone or deteriorating then its dying. Try doing some water changes and if you can check it for parasites. Doubtful but might be some in it.
nickskains;256118 wrote: NO3 is kinda high.
Is there any fleshy tissue left still attached to the skeleton? If so, it might just be retracted, if its gone or deteriorating then its dying. Try doing some water changes and if you can check it for parasites. Doubtful but might be some in it.

ares;256122 wrote: if its truely emptyness, like skeleton, probably not coming back, or atleast those heads if any are not like that. if its just really really sucked in but you can see the tissue in there, might be fine though obviously upset about something.

double check your parameters Id say, I dont know if any parasites/desease crosses from fish to corals, so Id kind of expect it must be a parameter issue causing both problems..

I changed carbon today; hopefully that will help reduce nitrates.
If all you see is the core, no flesh, it's dead.

I would do a massive water change to get things back in order. You will need to follow up with more regular subsequent water changes until your trates are zero; this would have flushed all the baddies out of your water.
When the frogspawn receded, did it have a brown jelly like substance on it? Brown jelly disease is the only one I know that affects frogspawn.

A rapid change in a parameter would be my best guess. Is it possible you lost power for any period of time during the heavy rains the last few days? Losing power will affect oxygen, pH, temp, and total nitrogen via bacterial death.

If you have fish loss, and have some not accounted for, they may have spiked NH3, NO2, and NO3. Bacterial death via power loss would also spike these levels. It only takes about 2 hours to start forming anerobic bacteria after a power outage.

Did you dose any medication to treat your fish? Euphyllia is not as hardy as the other inverts you listed and would respond more negatively to one.

Definitly run carbon, not not for the purpose of lowering NO3, because it won't really do that. It's good for pulling a number of harmful substances out of the water. It also wouldn't hurt to get a polyfilter and run that too.
a while ago i had two heads of mine (which i cant really tell is frogspawn or hammer) and one head shriveled up and showed the white skeleton where the one right next to it continued to thrive. dunno what happened. it eventually recovered but is still not the same size yet. it was very strange. ha sorry i have no idea what made it do that.. but you're not the only one.
DannyBradley;256180 wrote: When the frogspawn receded, did it have a brown jelly like substance on it? Brown jelly disease is the only one I know that affects frogspawn.

A rapid change in a parameter would be my best guess. Is it possible you lost power for any period of time during the heavy rains the last few days? Losing power will affect oxygen, pH, temp, and total nitrogen via bacterial death.

If you have fish loss, and have some not accounted for, they may have spiked NH3, NO2, and NO3. Bacterial death via power loss would also spike these levels. It only takes about 2 hours to start forming anerobic bacteria after a power outage.

Did you dose any medication to treat your fish? Euphyllia is not as hardy as the other inverts you listed and would respond more negatively to one.

Definitly run carbon, not not for the purpose of lowering NO3, because it won't really do that. It's good for pulling a number of harmful substances out of the water. It also wouldn't hurt to get a polyfilter and run that too.

I have been dosing metronidazole and Focus, supplemented with Garlic Guard and Vitality (amino acid/vit C). I don't think we lost blinking clocks in the house.

Also have not seen my sand-sifting star for a couple of days. He may just be buried somewhere that I can't see and will resurface soon.

Now my skimmate is almost black, whereas it's usually greener.

Thanks to everyone for the advice. I guess I'll be doing more water changes for a while. I thought I'd be getting a nice fish or two for Christmas, but there's no way I'm adding anything to this deathtrap-of-a-tank for a long time.
You may have stray current. I have a friend with 60v running through his tank with similar results.
Treyeleven;256341 wrote: You may have stray current. I have a friend with 60v running through his tank with similar results.

60v? Christ. That's half the load from the outlet. The highest I've ever seen is 15v out of all the tanks I've tested.
ares;256434 wrote: lol I think Id notice 60v pretty quick!

anyway, definitely dont add anything else.

what exactly are you testing for when you say "all parameters"? what test kits are you using? what is your whole setup? what do you have in there so far? why are you dosing metro and focus?

Using a Seachem Marine Basic test kit. I test for pH, Alk, nitrites, and nitrates. I check my salinity with a refractometer. I'm running a skimmer, canister filter, and a refugium, as well as a powerhead. I do a 15% water change every 10 days, change carbon every 3 weeks. I use RODI water. I run CF lighting. I feed a variety of foods: ON flakes, ON pellets, and Rod's frozen. Use phyto for my softies. Using metro and Focus to try to get rid of the parasites. I was born in Texas and have no known disabilities.:)
I guess the frogspawn decided to fully retract for whatever reason. It has started to open up a little today. Whew!