Recommended Medication -- if Needed


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I have a new pair of blue jaw triggers -- of course as the new kids on the block (in the tank) they are on the run from time to time. Nothing serious. However, I have noticed on the female some abrasions on her side (I think that's what it is) -- probably from the rocks?

Anyway, is there anything really safe I can add to the water that might help the healing process and reduce the chance of infection for her?

I do have corals and inverts.

Thank you!

Geno... I would just let it be.. Often when you try to medicate you run the risk of make the bugs resistant to future treatments. So my motto is, only treat bacterial infection when you know there is a problem.
Talk to Jeremy (jmaneyapanda) - he recommends Prazipro for blue jaws because they're very susceptible to flukes. I've got a bottle if you need to source it. I think SaltwaterCity also has it in stock, but check with them first.
thank you for the advice

Brandon, I may just keep an eye on her -- she doesn't seem stressed and I'm hoping the scraps will just go away in time.

Mojo -- thanks for your offer -- If I decide I need something -- I'll check with Sal

I have a bottle of MELAFIX that I have never opened -- I'm scared to!
