Red Bugs


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I've found red bugs on my acros. I believe I'm going to transfer Mr acros to a 10g and treat with Bayer in the way. Leave them for a week or so. I'll put a block of marine pure, power head ahs heater. I guess I'll move one of my lights from my 140 temporarily to the 10. It looks like all I need to worry about is acros but I'm not 100% sure what all these are. I'll post a few pics. thanks
I used Interceptor for my outbreak I had a few years back and two treatments worked really well with minimal impact to fish and corals. I may still have some on hand.
Interceptor works well, but will knock back your pod population.
this is a newer setup so I'm not too worried about pods. i dont want to lose my shrimp though. i really feel like just treating the acros is the way to go. do y'all have specific concerns with my idea? i took one small piece out and dipped in coral rx and cleaned it up in like 5 minutes so I'm sure an hour dip in Bayer will be fine and not upset the rest of the tank. i could also move them to my established 5g at work.
I think you'd be better off catching the shrimp and putting in a separate tank. Treat the whole tank once you see the bugs are gone for an extended period run heavy carbon and then re introduce the shrimp. I'd be worried you'd treat the acros and miss some in the tank and be back to square one once you add the acros back.
I've read they can't live more than 5 days without an acro to host them. I could easily leave the acros out for two weeks I. My colonies aren't that big and aren't encrusted so moving them is really easy.
I don't think the eggs will be eradicated from dipping.  A consistent dipping program that you're thinking about would work though.  Before the discovery of interceptor as redbug treatment, what you are proposing to do was the only strategy available.  It works.  In your case where the colonies aren't too large and are easily removed from the tank it seems like a reasonable approach to me.  Best of luck.
How do u get red bugs in the first place ? Don't u qt or dip your corals ? A lot less headache down the road Daniel
I do dip all of my corals but I must not have dipped them well enough. I've put 4 or 5 new pieces in the last few weeks, they must have come in on those.

I took pics of the process but I haven't made a new account anywhere for image hosting. I dipped them all in coral rx as I couldn't find the right Bayer at WalMart or Home Depot. I set them in the dip for about 2 minutes and the first little swish almost all of them came off. I dipped for about 15 minutes swishing them periodically to help them come off. A good rinse in fresh salt water and now they've been in a 10g qt since Sunday. I dipped my purple stylo too because it has had poor extension for the last couple of weeks too. Everyone is extending a little bit in the qt so far. I'll dip again before putting them back in the tank next weekend.
Hey Dan, You can use the site to post pics. Just use the insert image button and it will auto resize larger pics for you too. No need to host them.
Thanks Adam!
There we go. Here's a pic of all of them in my tank.

alt="acros" width="1032" height="581" />
Maybe you can see the red bugs.
alt="bugs" width="1032" height="581" />
In the dip and QT
alt="fip" width="1032" height="1834" />
After 1 week in quarantine I didn't see any more bugs come up in on the coral but I did do a quick dip before putting them back in the display. I had originally noticed the bugs on the green one up front but I think they had probably started their destruction with the stag. I think between the extended dip and their work it's about half gone.

I added a dragon faced pipe fish to the display to speed along their demise with no acros to host them.

They've been back in the DT since Sunday and still no bugs. Fingers crossed.
A few days of looking very closely at the acros and I saw some more red bugs. Just a few. I removed them, dipped them again and put them back  in qt. Nowhere near as many as the first time. While I don't really like the qt set up I think I am going to ride out at least 10 days this time. Maybe 2 weeks.
I'm a little late to this, but I'll throw my hat in the ring for interceptor also.  So stupid easy, like seriously easy.  Just catch your one shrimp or cross your fingers on a 30% chance it'll live.  One treatment  then one a week after and your done.  I have so many problems with qt full of corals that I usually end up losing half of them to changing conditions (alk, temp, etc.).

Send me a message if you need some interceptor.  I'm in marietta.

best of luck!

btw, i have no proof but i have had them come back after 1 dip/treatment.  I has a personal suspicion that it kills the mom, but live babies inside end up being born after the dip is over while mom is decaying.  No sure how else they tend to survive one but not 2 treatments.

Still have 80% chance with one treatment for full clear.  But always like to be sure.