Red Sea Purple Tang group buy


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Anyone interested in doing a group buy from Live Aquaria for some purple tangs? Depending how many people we can get the cheaper we can get them.

I mean I would be ok with someone like you @ActiveAngel doing maybe the actual order. We could have you take in all the money since I feel you would def be a person of trust. Then once we have enough people do the order and everyone comes and picks up the fish on the day of delivery.
If we wanted to take it a step further and I know liveaquaria has the 1 week guarantee thing if someone has a big enough QT system we could put all of the tangs in there and have them in a QT for about a week and then once that week has past we could have everyone pick them up. That way if something does happen the person who did the inital order can deal with live aquaria and get fish replaced or what not.
Thank you, I appreciate the compliment and try to always be fair. Lets see the interest level in this idea before we start making any concrete plans.

And yes, I also like the idea of using the 1 week guarantee advantage.
So I know we have the club par meters I wonder if it would be possible to do like a club QT system. We could get like a 50g petco tank a heater and everything else and use it as the club QT system for when we do group buys or something like that. I don't feel like it would be that exp.

50g tank $50 (during petco $1 gallon sale)
150w Heater $27.54
air pump $35
HOB Power Filter $40
wave maker $40
total cost $192.54
I'm sure we have people that would be willing to donate stuff as well to drive down the cost. I know I have a few things like copper or maybe an old power head I could donate.
I have a 40g breeder and a aqua clear hob and heater just sitting in storage

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That definitely is a show fish. I would like but don't have space right now. Also concerned about aggression with other tangs.

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I think setting up a club QT tank is a separate and much more complex conversation.

It would have to consider responsibility/ liability, tank location, care for all animals in QT, openness/restriction of access to the system, contingencies for infections/deaths/contamination (wouldn’t you be pissed if someone else’s fish in your QT batch infected and killed your $300 fish). Also there would be limited use, as only 1 batch could be done at a time... as well as many other factors.

It’s a great idea, but certainly complex. It would be much easier to set up a private QT tank (amongst friends) and simply make it open for the club to use. The owner would accept all care requirements, and participants would get involved at their own risk. Details could be agreed on privately. But even so, that would be a different conversation than a group buy for purple tangs.
That definitely is a show fish. I would like but don't have space right now. Also concerned about aggression with other tangs.

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I mean think about how you see them in fish stores. Temporarily I would say it would be ok. We could always use some of the light defuses things (sorry forget the name) to create a barrier. I see Atlanta aquarium (Rick) do this all the time. I don't think you have to much to worry about when they are all that small though (always exceptions of course).
I think setting up a club QT tank is a separate and much more complex conversation.

It would have to consider responsibility/ liability, tank location, care for all animals in QT, openness/restriction of access to the system, contingencies for infections/deaths/contamination (wouldn’t you be pissed if someone else’s fish in your QT batch infected and killed your $300 fish). Also there would be limited use, as only 1 batch could be done at a time... as well as many other factors.

It’s a great idea, but certainly complex. It would be much easier to set up a private QT tank (amongst friends) and simply make it open for the club to use. The owner would accept all care requirements, and participants would get involved at their own risk. Details could be agreed on privately. But even so, that would be a different conversation than a group buy for purple tangs.

Sorry ya I def got off topic from the original post. (we can start a new thread on that if you would like) But def something I would love to explore. Ya you would def have to limit the batches. I think if you kept it to one type of fish all at once you could limit the downsides.
Tang aggression is a valid concern. I think y’all are having two different points.

For QTing a single batch, dividers are fine. It may not be necessary, but each fish is different and has a unique personality.

For introducing to your tank (with existing tangs), it is also a concern. There are tricks that can help... but once again, every fish is an individual. There are never any promises in that area.
How many people want purple tangs?

I'm in the market but I will be ordering from a source that does full quarantine - I'm happy to inquire about doing multiple, however, it's not going to be a money saving effort.

It will produce fish that are not going to require quarantine and will not wipe out your tank or introduce a parasite / disease.
Whats the price? I honestly don't mind doing the QT myself. I'll def be in to get a purple tang though depending on which way it goes.
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