redtail catfish + tiger shovelnose


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i have a redtail catfish ina tank with a tiger shovelonose but theyre seperated by a divider in the tank. theyre both still juveniles but the redtail cat is twice the size of the tsn. theres a small pleco in the tank and the redtail hasnt bothered it. im curious as to if its safe to take the divider out. i know redtails will eat jsut about anything. do you think it would eat the tsn? any suggestions would be much appreciated.
If it will fit in the redtails mouth, it will be food. I had a redtail in the past that was 30". He was the last fish in the tank. He had eaten everything from a 6" Jack dempsy, to a 10" Lima shovelnose and about 6 other fish, all large breeds. sorry for the bad news. I hope you have a large tank, both of your fish get very large and are very hard to rehome when they get big. They also have long lives when cared for properly.

Good luck,

thanks a lot for the input. i have a few different tanks so ill figure something out. the redtail is just so entertaining and looks amazing. cant let go of him
I saw a redtail get a very large jewel cichlid stuck in it's mouth. There was no way it was going to be able to eat it but it sure tried. The shop manager netted it and both fish survived.
yeah ive had to do that with a tiger shovelnose i had previously. caught it with a gar in its mouth one time and another time with an ossa knife fish.
neither were going to be able to be eaten i had to take them both from him. unfortunately they didnt live but the tsn did. he got to a foot and a half before i traded him in.