The main things YOU do to shorten tank maintanence?

Big UV and like Raj said super easy water cahnges. Pump or drain old out , pump or pour new in.

To me an easy water change system is one of the absolute best investments in a reef tank.
Camellia;1066890 wrote: It's not just the water changing that's the time factor. Also vacuuming the sand bed, cleaning three sides of glass, sump, skimmer, socks, sump filters, floss, pumps, PH's....
I've got an Apex, extra reactors... I've got just about every piece of equipment you can think of or willing to purchase it.

I can't raise my sump very easy but if you can think of another way to automate my water change and eliminate maintenance time I'm willing! One possibility (I would be afraid to do by myself) would be to run lines through the wall behind my tank into the garage which is close and through a closet for the water change station.
Sounds like you have the expertise with spare time. I'd be happy to pay you by cash, equipment or with some of my prize possession corals!
What's your schedule look like?

I'll help you with that.
grouper therapy;1066933 wrote: Big UV and like Raj said super easy water cahnges. Pump or drain old out , pump or pour new in.

To me an easy water change system is one of the absolute best investments in a reef tank.

If you don't mind me asking, why do you run a uv.Thats something I'm curious about.I have one in a box, just don't know the benefits.
Camellia;1066799 wrote: I'd like to know your tricks or any unique things you have came up with that shorten the maintenance required for your reef tank upkeep. Perhaps I'm OCD but I like a clean tank at all times.

As an "average" I spend two hours a day on my reef. I vowed months ago if in January my maintenance wasn't less time-consuming, I would get out of the hobby. Perhaps it's because of the high demands my various species of corals need, but that's what I like... IDK how to change it at this point! I've got a lot of corals that need spot fed daily and SPS that want clean water!

I started running GFO which helps but still have to do 20% WC at least twice a month to prevent unwated algae and keep water prams in check. I run carbon as needed, use intense filter socks and have proper skimer, apex, probes, WXM... The WC and vacuming the sand bed is a 4-6 hour job! If I let it go over 2-3 weeks i'll start seeing signs of algae which disappears instantly after a water change.

I'm on the edge hanging. I love my reef but want more out of life than a beautiful, healthy, clean reef tank!

Any suggestions appreciated!

What exactly are you doing for 2 hours every day?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
For your sand bed:
Decent amount of Super Tongan Nassarious snails
Tiger Cucumbers
About once or twice a year I change out about 20% of my sand.

Don't use filter socks, have return going into an empty compartment of your sump and just wet vac with a Lowes Bucket Head wet vac.

Tunze Care Magnet

No floss.

I also have an extra BRS GFO reactor near my RO/DI container to rinse my GFO and then rinse my carbon with ease...
Fishlips;1066946 wrote: If you don't mind me asking, why do you run a uv.Thats something I'm curious about.I have one in a box, just don't know the benefits.
Parasites first
Water clarity second
Crawford, I've got a 4', 75 gallon (in my kitchen) with about 20 gallon sump and average amount of lve rock (including in sump). My skimmer is RO 110 NIB, It skims well. Id use a bigger, better one but with pumps for UV, GFO, Carbon, 2 heaters, 2, 4 X 4 x 12, square sock holders, I'm limited to bottom area space. Any suggestions appreciated.

Dave, Mr GrouperThearpy I would so LOVE your help setting up a water station in the garage! I'm not confident in my abilities to plumb it safely without leak issues. I know you wouldn't say this and not mean it, THANK YOU SO MUCH! However, you've got to let me pay you this time or choose some large corals for your valuable time!
I will search around and find two stackable water containers that will fit in the corner against the wall in the garage oppitsit the closet. Would you mind sending a PM, text, email or call with recommended size containers and the material list I should gather?
I've already got a T with shut-off value plumbed off my return line (3/4" OD threaded I think).
The water lines wouldn't have to go that far < 15' and my RODI is on the wall on the way there! There's two closets prior to the garage so no holes will be visable in the walls (untill breakdown). I've got extra pumps, Mag 9, 2 Mag 4's.. This has been a dream and will save SO much time! OMG, Thank you!

Ralph, magnet ordered, thanks. I've read how you don't use filter socks and just clean your sump. I'm jealous as it sounds so convenient, easy and would be wonderful! Obviously setting up a reef allowing such capabilities comes with knowledge and experience which I lack and ended up with a very high maintenance mixed reef!
My biggest issue is my "specific coral demands" of feeding and food types. I've got a lot of Sun Coral & such type corals that require frequent feedings of small particle foods. The food only appears to get trapped in the skimmer, floss or felt socks.
I could sell off the sun coral colonies and FatHead Dendros but the Sun Corals have spawned at least 3 times. Many of these have grown to 3/4" now when extended. It would be so awesome to have these all grow out into colonies and have hundreds of Sun Corals everywhere!! They are under the ledges, in the nooks and crannies of my life rock, back & sides of other corals.
I've never seen a reef tank full of sun coral like mine. I'd really love to see them continue to grow to see how beautiful it would look as matured corals... Such a dilemma :doh:

Skriz knowing my reef and feeding info now, what would you recommend I run or dose?
GFO, Carbon, bio Pellets???

DavidinGa, that's an average over a month. However I spend a good 30+ minutes spot feeding at minimum every other day....

Fishlips, yes I run a AquaUV 40.

Rodasphoto, I've got a Spectapure RODI but don't know much about what your using. I think it's a great company with solid products. I'll read up on your WC station, thanks.

Thanks everyone for your responses and recommendations.

Dave (Grouper), I am super excited to get a mixing station set up but I know how busy you are so I won't bother you. Please just let me know when you get a break in your schedule and I'll make that day & time work.
Thanks a ton!
I feed 2-4 (and have up to 12) times a day with this as minimum...
Ralph ATL;1066970 wrote: I feed 2-4 (and have up to 12) times a day with this as minimum...

OMG :eek:

Do you use any small tiny foods like Frenzy or Chili! Do you think that it would fall to the bottom of my sump?
I'm starting to hate filter floss. I (accidentally) had some dirty floss in the bucket with my filter socks.yup, Washed my socks with the floss! It took 2 1/2+ hours to clean all the loose floss off the socks (21 socks). I had to wash them again twice, rinse... Maybe this is what continues to get me so flustered, my stupid mistakes, lol. It takes way too much of my time, hence my life has become no life, lol
Camellia;1066969 wrote: Crawford, I've got a 4', 75 gallon (in my kitchen) with about 20 gallon sump and average amount of lve rock (including in sump). My skimmer is RO 110 NIB, It skims well. Id use a bigger, better one but with pumps for UV, GFO, Carbon, 2 heaters, 2, 4 X 4 x 12, square sock holders, I'm limited to bottom area space. Any suggestions appreciated.

Dave, Mr GrouperThearpy I would so LOVE your help setting up a water station in the garage! I'm not confident in my abilities to plumb it safely without leak issues. I know you wouldn't say this and not mean it, THANK YOU SO MUCH! However, you've got to let me pay you this time or choose some large corals for your valuable time!
I will search around and find two stackable water containers that will fit in the corner against the wall in the garage oppitsit the closet. Would you mind sending a PM, text, email or call with recommended size containers and the material list I should gather?
I've already got a T with shut-off value plumbed off my return line (3/4" OD threaded I think).
The water lines wouldn't have to go that far < 15' and my RODI is on the wall on the way there! There's two closets prior to the garage so no holes will be visable in the walls (untill breakdown). I've got extra pumps, Mag 9, 2 Mag 4's.. This has been a dream and will save SO much time! OMG, Thank you!

Ralph, magnet ordered, thanks. I've read how you don't use filter socks and just clean your sump. I'm jealous as it sounds so convenient, easy and would be wonderful! Obviously setting up a reef allowing such capabilities comes with knowledge and experience which I lack and ended up with a very high maintenance mixed reef!
My biggest issue is my "specific coral demands" of feeding and food types. I've got a lot of Sun Coral & such type corals that require frequent feedings of small particle foods. The food only appears to get trapped in the skimmer, floss or felt socks.
I could sell off the sun coral colonies and FatHead Dendros but the Sun Corals have spawned at least 3 times. Many of these have grown to 3/4" now when extended. It would be so awesome to have these all grow out into colonies and have hundreds of Sun Corals everywhere!! They are under the ledges, in the nooks and crannies of my life rock, back & sides of other corals.
I've never seen a reef tank full of sun coral like mine. I'd really love to see them continue to grow to see how beautiful it would look as matured corals... Such a dilemma :doh:

Skriz knowing my reef and feeding info now, what would you recommend I run or dose?
GFO, Carbon, bio Pellets???

DavidinGa, that's an average over a month. However I spend a good 30+ minutes spot feeding at minimum every other day....

Fishlips, yes I run a AquaUV 40.

Rodasphoto, I've got a Spectapure RODI but don't know much about what your using. I think it's a great company with solid products. I'll read up on your WC station, thanks.

Thanks everyone for your responses and recommendations.

Dave (Grouper), I am super excited to get a mixing station set up but I know how busy you are so I won't bother you. Please just let me know when you get a break in your schedule and I'll make that day & time work.
Thanks a ton!

Here is the controller"></a>

This I believe would work perfect for sending water from your reservoir to your tank and automating your water changes. I currently change 1 gal. a day on my 65 gal tank. The nice thing is that such little water is being changed at a time that you do not have to heat the water coming in.

Second pump

This would pump water from your tank to discard down a drain or suitable container.
You certainly don't NEED to upgrade skimmers, but it seems to me that you are using a skimmer closer to the low end of scale for your needs (90~ gallons), which is near the max of what your skimmer is capable of.

In my opinion, you typically want a skimmer capable of handling 2x+ your total water capacity, so in your case, you want a skimmer that can handle 200~ gallons or more. From what I've seen, this absolutely makes a big difference in your maintenance needs and water quality.

If you have just a little bit more room (~1") to play with in your sump, a skimmer like this one (
a>) would be a pretty significant upgrade. I think especially considering how much you feed your corals, this could make a big difference.
Oddly.... To shorten tank maintenance I DO maintenance.
For me .. Water changes keep sooooo many things in check.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
My tank maintenance on 250gal total volume is probably like 2-5min a day ~ glance at skimmer, reactors, pumps, dosers, ats screen, temp, pH, feed the fish, clean glass if necessary.

If I needed 2hrs a day I'd get rid of my tank, LOL...

Other than daily stuff I do a WC every 2 weeks that is semi-automated and probably takes 30min, refill dosing chemicals, etc

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
So, stupid question.... do you have the discharge from the UV plumped to the skimmer intake or to the display?

Sent from my LGL31L using Tapatalk
I put my power heads on feed mode for twenty minutes per feeding, so no, not much would leave display uneaten.
Camellia;1066799 wrote: I'd like to know your tricks or any unique things you have came up with that shorten the maintenance required for your reef tank upkeep. Perhaps I'm OCD but I like a clean tank at all times.

As an "average" I spend two hours a day on my reef. I vowed months ago if in January my maintenance wasn't less time-consuming, I would get out of the hobby. Perhaps it's because of the high demands my various species of corals need, but that's what I like... IDK how to change it at this point! I've got a lot of corals that need spot fed daily and SPS that want clean water!

I started running GFO which helps but still have to do 20% WC at least twice a month to prevent unwated algae and keep water prams in check. I run carbon as needed, use intense filter socks and have proper skimer, apex, probes, WXM... The WC and vacuming the sand bed is a 4-6 hour job! If I let it go over 2-3 weeks i'll start seeing signs of algae which disappears instantly after a water change.

I'm on the edge hanging. I love my reef but want more out of life than a beautiful, healthy, clean reef tank!

Any suggestions appreciated!

2 hours a day?? Umm why? . Haven't been in the hobby long huh?