Ricordia vs. Zoas


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Lots of great info in Jin's "Corals Gone Wild" thread but I will be running into issues with zoas growing near my ricordias once the zoa colonies propogate and was wondering if there will be issues. I know ricordia is devestating to SPS, I had a small frag rub against a ric and it was nuked before I noticed. I wouldn't imagine issues between rics and zoas, but thought I'd check to be safe. Thanks.
Rics and zoas will coexist with no worries imo. My rics are surrounded by a lil sea of zoas and they do not fight so far as I can tell. I imagine that the rics should win this by simply denying light to nearby zoas but so far I haven't noticed any winners/losers of import. :)
What is it about rics that make them so deadly to SPS's. Literally, my frag went from perfect health to COMPLETE white death in less than 4 hours from just touching a ric, not lying on it or anything:eek:
They are skilled at sliming anything that touches them. I'm not sure what's in the slime that kills but it is their only real defense and as you've unfortunatley seen it is very effective against some corals. :sad:
Indeed, they are snotty little suckers. Impossible to pick up when you drop one too:D Fortunately, they are also very hardy. While trimming the plug away that one of mine was mounted on before placing it, I dropped it in the sink and it almost slid down the drain before I could catch it....greased lightning on porcelin...LOL.