Salt- BRS


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So, HW reef salt has been back ordered for a while and I cannot find another place other than BRS to purchase. So, purchased some Tropic Marin Pro salt from BRS. The alkalinity is low but the calcium and mag and other parameters seem in line and I run a kalk reactor to help with dK and pH. Sadly, the Tropic Marin salt came crushed and BRS was great and sending new boxes today. So, great customer service.
Question- 1. Is there another supplier in US for HW
2. What other salts are close in parameter that you would recommend? I worry about consistency as even Marc Levison had an issue with local Aquavitro salt that tanked his corals recently.
what range of parameter are you looking for?

for me, i keep my alk around 9-10 and run calrx. i find LiveAquaria salt mixes clear and pretty much inline with what i need.
I like my dK to be 10 and normal cal and mag a little higher than normal.