salt mix ?

I would look at picking up
a>as a good place to start. Too much has changed since the '70's to try to go from there. There is not too much that is going to help you in a book that old so save your reading time.
Please do as Brandon has stated. Read read and read. Do not risk your hard earned money on making stupid mistakes that you will kick yourself for later. This hobby is not that hard if you play by the rules of chemistry and husbandry of the sea. Most want to go way to fast. Get the book and read it cover to cover.
Then come here and ask questions before you buy any livestock. You will be glad you did.
Seedless Reefer;168560 wrote: I have a swing arm hydrometer you can have but with the price of gas maybe cheaper to go buy one lol.
well thanks for offer but i went and got one today im getting all the stuff i need one thing at a time i got a 36gal tub today to mix the water in also
aceheart1976;168568 wrote: im wondering why everyone is so crazy about using RO/DI water LOL
back in the day there was not any of these high tech units and the reef tanks worked great then.
and i do not use ro/di water in my tanks and they all look great, very little algea blooms that the crabs actually love.
but back to th subjuct of the salt, you can get a small powerhead or mag pump to mix the salt into the water, i personally use a 10 gal tank and a small mag pump from an aquapod. once it is mixed i turn the pump off, attach a rubber hose to the pump, then turn the pump on pumping the water into the tank i want to pump it into

Well, then you are lucky in Bath, GA. Take my water in Lawrenceville. The latest report from the city shows a copper level of 0.15ppm. That is the dose that you give to fish to kill Ich but will kill most any invert and do some danger to an angelfish. Take Marrietta, The water over there contains a high amount of phosphates and other nasty stuff. Back in 1990, I believe, water was cleaner, we did not have as high powered lights running on our tanks, and we were not trying to keep the type of sensitive animals that we are keeping today. Believe me, In 2001 I used tap water in my tanks in Michigan and had no problems but as soon as I moved to Marrietta I had a hair algae forest. Nothing changed but the water. So best of luck to you and your tank and I am glad that it works for you, but I do not think that you can recommend to everyone that they use tap water since you do not know what could be in their water!
ok guys so i got the water mixed up and in the tank with nothing but sand and the salinity is 1.019 is that or? do i need to do anything to it? right now im just doing fowlr a reef tank will have to wait as i like the fish that you cant keep in a reef tank. is the water good? and i got a book but its the salt water for dummies book. the tank will run for 3-4 weeks when i get the water where it needs to be so let me know
I'm not a big fan of HOB filters.. What's the gph? You are going to need some powerheads probally for water movement so you don't get algae build up... Are you using RO water..?
Nah carbon is good when changed properly, I don't use carbon..I'm to lazy to change it, and it makes my skimmer overflow, what model and series is the power head..they range from 100gph to 3000gph..
Prolly a penguin.. I have a few of them behind the rockwork..they seem to spray harder then Maxi-Jets...

If you want to give me a ring I can try to answer some of your questions, would be faster then across the boards..