Schooling fish in a 180g?


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Looking to get a group of fishies all the same for my 180g... schooling preferably, but if they just wanna hang and not kill each other that's cool too lol!

Heard pajama cardinals might work and some have said firefish (not interested in chromis). Love anthias but couldn't reliably feed 3-5x a day I don't think..

any ideas or opinions?
interesting! never thought wrasses would do that! neat!
I did a bit more reading up and most of what I am finding is you can have multiples of the yellow wrasse so long as you add them all at the same time. I am not finding much on actual schooling behavior, so they may not move around together like chromis do.

Some info on schooling fish.

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I like my ventralis anthias. I only have 2 but would get more if i could find them .

my tank once with frozen in morning, and 1 cycle on an auto feeder once every 6 hours after that. My nitrates are 2-8 and phosphate is 0.05-.1. I have 2 blotchy and 3 sunburst anthias that have been in there for about 7 months.
Yellow coris wrasse will school I believe. May want to check on that but I think they do.

So I thought the same and it worked when they were all young and female but 1 transitioned to male and bullied the others pretty viciously to the point that the others only came out for a minute before being chased back into the sand

I’ve also tried multiple China wrasses and that did not work out well either
That is good info thank you. I was considering putting several yellow coris wrasse in my tank.
Anthias will, once one turns male. Also, zebra barred dartfish. A little off the beaten path.
It's very hard if not impossible to get fish to school in our systems. Fish school for protection and we don't have predators of the type that eat other fish. Anthias are the best bet if you try.