Seahorse keeper - new here :)

wicked secret

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Hi everyone :)

I just got into saltwater tanks in August of this year so I'm still pretty new. I would love to share knowledge with everyone and learn more about this hobby! Seahorses are my passion so what I have is designed around them.

I have a 30 gallon long that I previously used for freshwater(Lionhead Orandas) that has a pair of H. erectus, yellow watchman goby, 4 peppermint shrimp, soft corals(kenya tree, mushrooms, zoas), fern and grape caulerpa and a few hermits and snails. The week I got my young pair they mated! I was prepared and now I have 6 week old fry that are doing great! If all goes well, they should be able to go to new homes in about 6-8 more weeks. They are already eating frozen brine and some small frozen mysis along with the enriched bbs.

I also have a 27 gallon cube with two female Kudas, some soft corals(zenia, mushrooms, kenya tree) and some fern caulerpa. I have a striped mandarin and two peppermint shrimp in with them.

After catching the coral bug, I set up a small 5 gallon reef tank with some corals that could not go in with the horses. I have a nice goniopora, alveopora, toadstool mushroom, rhodactis mushroom, 3 heads candy cane coral(pipe organ?), porcelain crab, 4 sexy shrimp and a couple feather dusters.

I am hoping to get a 65 gallon tank soon and learn the ins and outs of a sump system. :confused2:

Welcome. I am new here as well. This is a great forum to belong to. I would love to have some seahorses. I heard that they can be hard to take care of. I would love to hear about your experiences with them.
Horses are so very cool.

You mentioned Sump Systems

A Sump / filter is easy to work with

Drilled tanks are way better than Hang On Back over flows though when useing a sump by far. Pump water form the sump into the tank and it drains with gravity at the same rate as it is pumped in. Pretty simple with out a HOB Drain. Those things are so frustrating. The return pumps in sump is rated by the size tank you are useing. Slow flow in sumps are good as it allows the Mesh Filters like Socks, Biofilter of Live Rock Rubble, a chance to do its job.

Sea Horse Tanks would need a large sump IMO

They like tall tanks from what I know, but thats not alot with Sea Horse care.
Thanks for the welcome :)

I read and post on the forum at and have learned so much from the experts there.

I plan on getting a drilled tank, hopefully a good deal on craigslist. My husband had a saltwater tank years ago and knows a little about the sump but he said things have changed so much and my needs are different with the seahorses. I will seek out help here when the time comes! :D

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When they are old enough and if you are interested in selling let me know.
DawgFace;713753 wrote: When they are old enough and if you are interested in selling let me know.

You got it! I have 50 babies that are 6 weeks old and about another 50 that are 17 days behind them. :)

I'm hoping the babies grow lots of cirri, they are already getting some beautiful saddle markings. I'll have to get some updated pics of them and post. Maybe later today.
My wife wanted a seahorse but I don't know anything about them I did promise her I'll get her one when I learn more about them
Elite, go to and read everything you can. That's where I learned and still post. I would be happy to sell you a seahorse when you are ready. They are so helpful there! My babies won't be ready to go for another 8 weeks. :)

Josh, I got my H. erectus pair of seahorses from (Dan and Abbie). I also got my two female H. Kuda from them a month after that. I decided to go with a well respected breeder, selling captive bred rather than "tank raised" after reading and researching as much as I could.

Thanks for all your help with the reef stuff though! :)