Seahorser Get Together


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Okay, I'm simply bound and determined now to make this happen! :)

I want to have a get together for those of us that are interested in Seahorses. We can talk show, show pictures, and just generally bask in the glow of the ponies (while we eat food, and those that are of age drink appropriate beverages...)

We will probably do the gathering at Tony's, which is on Holcomb Bridge, very close to the 400 (1085 Holcomb Bridge rd. for you mappers). I run the entertainment there, and they will give us a break on our food and drink, and we will be able to have the back room to ourselves.

What day/time works best for anyone who's interested. Personally I would love to do a Sunday afternoon, or a Wed. Night get together. I would like to do this within the next two weeks, so lets take suggestions for the next few days, and make a final plan by this weekend.

Please let me know your thoughts and availablility.

This offer is extended to anyone who is keeping them now, has kept them in the past, Might keep them in the future, or even just wants to get in on the fun and discussions.

[And to the board, if I am breaking any rules here, or club ettiquete or whatnot by trying to set this up on my own, feel free to slap me around a bit. I'm also hoping some or all of the board members come join us!)
shameless bump. There were a handful of you who said you'd be intersted, so here's your chance to give some input :)
I'm not sure if I'd be able to make it. I live about 1 1/2 hours outside of Atlanta, and this is a really busy time for me. Hopefully, I'd be able to make future get-togethers, but they would have to be on the weekend for me to be able to attend.
Okay, cools. I'll give it a little more time, then set a date! I have a few people from some of the LFS's wanting to come too, so should be fun.
Ill try my best to make it to this... if for whatever reason it falls thru maybe</em> I can set something up as the January meeting.
I want to come (weekends are best) - but NOT in December...

Porter - I can probably give you a lift if you need one - I think you live in or near Buckhead?

I have had some private input, and it turns out I agree with most it, haha... so....

Let's look at the weekend after new year's. We're having TWO reef club parties next week, and it seems silly to do this at the same time, so...

tentatively, I think im looking at Sunday, January 7th, maybe around 5:30pm? That way people have time to get there, hang out for a while and it'll be early enough to get home to do whatever it is you folks do on sunday nights to get ready for the work/school week.

That doesnt mean that we cant talk seahorse talk at the parties next week! :)
I wouldn't pass up a chance to go to Tony's on a Sunday afternoon. There is usually a big contengent of Miami Dolphin fans there on Sunday, but I dont think that will be a problem this January...:lol2:(and I am a dolphin fan)

I hadn't "really" considered a seahourse tank (though, she who must be obeyed would love it) until I got hooked on your thread...

I just happen to have a tall tank, that I was looking for a reason to dump money (that I don't have) into....:crazy:
I will be at the meeting tonight at Tony's. (Cuz I'm the guy who put the club in touch with that place, lol.... I'm no longer running my open mic there on Tuesdays, but I still hang out there a lot and my company runs their Live entertainment on the weekends still, lol)...

So... If anyone wants to talk a little seahorse shop this evening at the meeting, Please come out and do so.

1085 Holcomb Bridge Road in Roswell (Just West of the 400, at the corner of Holcomb bridge and Dogwood, in the shopping center on the South side of the street).

I'll be the big Hairy guy with the beard and the ponytail (and depending on when I feed the seahorses today, might smell slightly of Mysis, hahaha). You can ask any employee who I am if you still can't seem to find me, though I think I'm pretty hard to miss! :)

See ya there, hopefully!