Sick Blue Tang

The life cycle has two intermediate stages outside the host. Once it encycts(tomonts), it takes about 3-6 days depending on the temp before it falls off, theoretically it can survive encysted forever, these fallen of cysts can take a long time to burst a few hundred tomites, but they don't all burst at the same time either, these tomites need to find a host within 24-48 hrs or they die, any treatment targets these tomites, cause once they encyst back on the host you can't kill them without killing the fish.
It is hard to know if your tank is absolutly free cause, one or two tomonts here and there every now and then, can carry on the next generations and you will never even spot it, to make it worse, It doesn't have to be on the body, most infection starts on the gills where you can't see, as obviously most water flows through the gills. So instead of worrying about whether you have them in your tank or not, it is easier and more peacful to just keep the maintenance regular so you can keep their numbers in check, who knows, eventually it may just disappear from your tank.... but ofcourse, you wouldn't really know that for sure. Good Luck.
jmaneyapanda wrote: Yeah, Brandon, I hope I didn't infer that paranoia is bad, because that's how I live my life. You dont want to know how many times in the night I spring from my bed, and race to the tank, because I thought I heard a wierd noise!

Bryan, Kayla is right, dont take an absence of visible infection to be absolute. The life cycle of this parasite often show this "false hope".

Naw I did not take it too much like that, ok maybe a bit. My point of view is, I am sitting with a new computer, a 42" plasma, and I trip to Europe wrapped up in a small package that some call a fish tank. I am not going to throw it all down the drain by not following good QT and hospital procedure. Does that make me right over anyone who does not? No, I know plenty of people who throw everything directly into their tank. Some live with the Ich, some say they have never seen it, others treat it in the tank with "cures" that have been proven not to work very well. To each their own... I think healthy debate on the subject is good and I do not think that my point is right over anyone else. Don't worry, I do not hand out bad rep points for not agreeing with what someone else has read or believes to be true. ;) Maybe I am just sensitive to the subject because I am fighting Ich myself right now. I believe I got it from another member's tank who I bought some frags and inverts off of. I do not know any other way it could have come into my tank and I know that person is fighting Ich as we speak but did not disclose that to me at the time. A lackluster attitude is taken by some that comes off as, "Well it is in everyones tank, so it is no big deal!" I did not QT everything and it but me in the butt. I have since lost my two favorite fish and looks like two more are not doing so well. My lesson is learned, I will QT everything from now on, no matter who it comes from. I just do not want to have to see anyone who did not know better, fall pray to this bug again. So it sucks because my tank is sitting empty right now with nothing but coral in there. Lesson learned: Bringing in anything to my tank is kind of like being in college. If you do not use protection, sooner or later you are going to have to take a trip to the hospital (tank)! :lol2:
HHAHA I liked that last comment Brandon. Well said. She looks great again today and it is almost gone but I am not going to stop watching her for awhile. Well I always watch over them. Thanks guys!